You have learned how to design a movie recommendation database. The assignment will give you an opportunity to create such a database from scratch and build applications on top of this database. Assignment 2 has the same background information with Assignment 1. We continue to use the tables you created in Assignment 1.
You should assume the data has been loaded into the database. Then you need to implement the following SQL queries. For each query, we provide an example of the schema of the saved query result.
1. Write a SQL query to return the total number of movies for each genre. Your queryresult should be saved in a table called “query1” which has two attributes: name, moviecount.
2. Write a SQL query to return the average rating per genre. Your query result should be saved in a table called “query2” which has two attributes: name, rating.
3. Write a SQL query to return the movies have at least 10 ratings. Your query resultshould be saved in a table called “query3” which has two attributes: title, CountOfRatings.
4. Write a SQL query to return all “Comedy” movies, including movieid and title. Your query result should be saved in a table called “query4” which has two attributes, movieid and title.
5. Write a SQL query to return the average rating per movie. Your query result should besaved in a table called “query5” which has two attributes, title and average.
6. Write a SQL query to return the average rating for all “Comedy” movies. Your query result should be saved in a table called “query6” which has one attribute, average.
7. Write a SQL query to return the average rating for all movies and each of these moviesis both “Comedy” and “Romance”. Your query result should be saved in a table called “query7” which has one attribute, average.
8. Write a SQL query to return the average rating for all movies and each of these movies is “Romance” but not “Comedy”. Your query result should be saved in a table called “query8” which hasone attribute, average.
9. Find all movies that are rated by a User such that the userId is equal to v1. The v1 will be an integer parameter passed to the SQL query. Your query result should be saved in a table called“query9” which has two attributes, movieid and rating.
10. Write a SQL query to create a recommendation model using item-basedcollaborative filtering. Given a userID v1(the same parameter used in q9), you need to recommend the movies according to the movies he has rated before. In particular, you need to predict the rating P of a movie i that the user Ua didn’t rate. In the following recommendation model, P(Ua, i) is the predicted rating of movie i for User Ua. L contains all movies that have been rated by Ua. Sim(i,l) is the similarity between i and l. r is the rating that Ua gave to l.
Your SQL query should return predicted ratings from all movies that the given user hasn’t rated yet. You only return the movies whose predicted ratings are >3.9. Your query result should be saved in a table called “recommendation” which has one attribute, title.
In order to produce the recommendation table, you first need to calculate the similarities between every pair of two movies. The similarity is equal to the similarity of the average ratings of two movies (average rating over all users, the average ratings in Query 5). That means, if the average ratings of two movies are more close, the two movies are more similar. The similarity score is a fractional value [0, 1]. 0 means not similar at all, 1 means very similar. To summarize, the similarity between two movies, i and l, is calculated using the equation below. Abs() is to take the absolute value.
The result of similarity table should look like as follows:
Note, you don’t have to follow the exact same table schema for the similarity table, as long as you can produce the correct recommendation table.
Above all, your script should be able to generate 10 tables, namely, “query1”, “query2”, …, “query9”, “recommendation”.
Assignment Tips!
1. All table names and attribute names must be in lowercase and exactly the same withthe specification.
2. Your SQL script will be tested on PostgreSQL 9.5 using “psql –f solution.sql -vv1=1234567” command. Your script needs to take 1 input parameter v1 provided by the auto-grading system via “psql –v” option. v1 takes an integer as the input and it is the user ID v1used in your Query 9 and 10.
3. The delimiter of all files is "%"
4. You should use the following command to save your query result to a table.
For instance, select the user from the users table which has userID = v1 and store it in query0 and rename the “username” column to “userfullname”.
psql -f solution.sql -v v1=123
In your SQL script:
SELECT username AS userfullname
FROM users
WHERE users.userid = :v1
5. Do not put “create/select/drop database”, or “set system settings or encoding” in yourSQL script. This may lead to point deductions. Don’t create tables of Phase 1 and don’t load any data.
6. The rows in your query result table don’t have to be sorted.
7. You are free to create any other temp/permanent views, temp/permanent tables to helpyour queries.
8. In q10, when creating the movie-to-movie similarity table, it may happen that theperformance is extremely slow. If so, use create view instead of create table.