For this assignment, you will summarize an original research article involving HCI. To do this, you will pick an article from the articles listed in Module 7: Research Articles folder (under Course Material) and answer the questions below. To create the summary, follow the guidelines below. Be sure to use the same headers in your summary.
Please indicate which article you reviewed.
In 3-4 sentences, summarize the general findings from each previous study discussed in the introduction. When appropriate, identify the participants, the measures and what was done (describe generally) in each of these previous studies. If later studies in the introduction have similar procedures and findings just say that. Summarize, in your own words, the hypotheses being tested in the research study you are reading. What were the authors attempting to show? What are the independent variables or IVs and the dependent variables or DVs of this study?
What was/were the independent variable(s)? How were they operationalized?
What was/were the dependent variable(s)? What tests, scales or instruments were used to operationally define each DV?
Describe, in your own words, what was done to collect data. You should be able to do this in just a few sentences. Describe any attempts made to control confounds or extraneous variables.
Don’t use numbers here but summarize in words what the authors found. What were the major results? Did they find support for their hypotheses? How do the results relate to the other studies cited in the introduction? How did the researchers interpret the results; what are their overall conclusions? Did they offer any big “whoops” statements – something that went wrong that makes them (or you) hesitate with their conclusions? Explain the key implications of the results. Do they offer suggestions for future research? Do you have any other interpretations or suggestions for future research?
In your own words, what did this study tell you? What were the important conclusions that you might use later? Add anything else that you think is important to know about this research.