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CSE451 Assignment 2-Display Solved

1.  Create a directory called Display under your repository at the top level.

2.  Copy over the week2 files from my public git repository to this directory. By the way, there is a solution to the Tuesday lab in that public git.

3.  So you should now see in your Display directory files that include:

1.  info.php - this contains the model code for accessing the database

2.  week2-rest.php - the rest server for handling the ajax based calls

3.  createAndTestInfo.php - a script that will create the needed database and table as well as insert some test data

4.  You will need to create a password.php file that is used by the info.php

1.  $user

2.  $pass 3. $db

4. $addPass - this is the string the model uses to protect add functions.

1. please use the string "password" so I can test your program.

5.  Also create a .gitignore file at the root of your repository. In this file you will place the string "password.php" so that the password file is never commited to GIT.

6.  make sure to do the "git add .gitignore" so the .gitignore is added to your repository. I never want to see the password.php file in your central repository.

7.  Create an index.php file that will call the info.php model and will create and display the table of key/value pairs. This is similar to what you did in the last assignment using ajax. This time however the creation of the table should be done on the server.

8.  Below the table, create a new div that contains a form that will be used to add key/value information to the database. The form should expect the key, value and password. After the data is added make sure to display an OK or Fail message and to resend the current values in the database.

9.  Submit:

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