1. Implement your own bvh file viewer.
A. You have to implement all requirements in a single program. This assignment DOES NOT require each requirement to be a separate program
B. The window size doesn't need to be (480, 480). Use the larger window that is enough to see the details of the viewer.
C. DO NOT set the window title
D. Total points: 100 pts (+20 pts for extra credits)
2. Requirements
XA. Manipulate the camera in the same way as in ClassAssignment1 using your ClassAssignment1 code (10 pts).
i. Also draw the reference grid plane.
B. Load a bvh file and render it (80 pts)
i. Open a bvh file by drag-and-drop to your bvh viewer window (10 pts)
1. Google glfwSetDropCallback to see how to do it
2. The viewer should render only one bvh file at a time. If a bvh file B is drag-anddropped to the viewer while it is rendering another bvh file A, the viewer should only render the new bvh file B.
3. This feature is essential for scoring your assignment, so if not implemented, you YQPğVIGVCP[UEQTGHQTĜ.QCFC bvh file and render it (8RVUĝ
ii. Read the bvh file and render VJGĜUMGNGVQPĝ t-pose) of the motion when you load the file by drag-and-drop (30 pts).
1. Do not automatically animate the character. Just draw its skeleton (t-pose) when you open a file. '
ftp.se 가그려점 .
2. Just draw joints with offsets between them only using the HIERARCHY section of the bvh file. j.int 를연결할 live.segme.at 로그리언됨
3. In other words, draw a pose of the motion with zero translation (0,0,0) and no rotation (identity matrix) being applied to transitional joints and rotational joints, respectively.
4. Draw the skeleton by line segments. Each line segment should connect each pair of parent-child joints.
5. For end-effector joints such as foot, a line segmented should connect the endHIIHFWRUMRLQWDQGWKHęHQGVLWHĚ.
6. An example screenshot for sample-walk.bvh
1. As time goes by, draw each pose of the motion using each line of frame data in the MOTION of the bvh file, from the start frame to the end frame.
2. Calling glfw.swap_interval(1) in your main function, then just drawing the pose of each frame for each iteration of the main loop (the while loop in the main function) would be enough for timing of rendering each pose.
3. After drawing the last frame, just replay the motion again (draw from the first frame to the last frame again).
2. Number of frames
3. FPS (which is 1/FrameTime)
4. Number of joints (including root)
5. List of all joint names
X1. Download bvh files from the Internet and open them with your viewer. You may download bvh files from:
A. http://motion.hahasoha.net/
B. http://mocap.cs.sfu.ca/
C. http://dancedb.eu/main/performances
2. Choose one of the best looking motion plays using your viewer.
3. Do not use the sample bvh files for this requirement. You must use other bvh files downloaded from internet to get score for this requirement.
4. The uploaded video MUST be publicly accessible. 2WKHUZLVH\RXZRQĜWJHWWKH 10 pts.
C. You do not need to try to write a long report. Just write down the required information. Use either English or Korean.
AB중하나만 !
4. Extra credits (Only one of two items A, B will be reflected in the score)
XA. Use a box to draw each body part instead of a line segment (+10 pts).
ii. If you render the body parts without lighting and shading, you cannot get the score for this item.
iii. You can implement this requirement for only one of the sample bvh files provided. iv. An example screenshot for sample-walk.bvh
2. (You don't need to draw the shadow and shaded ground plane)
✗B. Use different obj files to draw each body part instead of a line segment (+20 pts).
i. The meshes should be rendered with proper shading and lighting settings.
ii. If you render the body parts without lighting and shading, you cannot get the score for this item.
iii. You can implement this requirement for only one of the sample bvh files provided.
iv. Example screenshots (not for sample-walk.bvh)
2. (You don't need to draw the shadow and shaded ground plane)
3. Search and download cool obj files from the internet and use them.
A. If you use simple obj files OLNHER[VKDSHV\RXĜOOonly get 10 pts.