Course Code: CSE 370 Credits: 3.0 Course Name: Database Systems Semester: Spring 24 Lab Assignment 1 member_id name email influence_count Joining_date multiplier Write the queries of the tasks given below [6 * 2 = 12]. 1. Create the above table with the appropriate data type for each column. 2. Change the column name "influence_count". The new name should be "followers," and the data type should be integer. 3. Update the number of followers of each developer by +10. 4. There is a formula to find the efficiency of the developers. Efficiency = ((followers*100/1000000) * (multipliers*100/20))/100. Show the efficiency of each developer in a column named "Efficiency" along with their name. 5. Show the name of the developers in UpperCase and the descending order of their Joining_date. 6. Retrieve the member_ id, name, email and followers of the developers who have either ".com" or ".net" in their email address.