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CSE343/ECE343: Machine Learning Solution

Assignment-1 Linear and Logistic Regression, ML in Practice, Empirical Risk Minimization

• Your submission should be a single zip file (Where 2020xxx is your roll number). Include all the files (code and report with theory questions) arranged with proper names. A single .pdf report explaining your codes with results, relevant graphs, visualization and solution to theory questions should be there. The structure of submission should follow:
|− report_rollno.pdf
|− (All other files for submission)
• Anything not in the report will not be graded.
• Your code should be neat and well-commented.
• You have to do either Section B or C.
• Section A is mandatory.
x y
3 15
6 30
10 55
15 85
18 100
Table 1: Table of x and y values
equation obtained, predict the value of y when x=12.
2. (15 points) Section B (Scratch Implementation)
Dataset: Heart Disease
3. (15 points) Section C (Algorithm implementation using packages) Split the given dataset into 80:20 (train: test) and perform the following tasks:
Dataset: Electricity Bill Dataset

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