In this project, you are required to extend the MIPS single-cycle implementation by implementing additional instructions. You will use ModelSim simulator [1] to develop and test your code. You are required to implement your assigned 6 instructions (selected from following 20 instructions
R-format (6): brn, brz, balrz, sll, sllv, srlv
I-format (11): xori , andi, nori, bgez, bgezal, bgtz, bltz, jm, jalm, jsp, jspal
J-format (3): bz, balz, jal
You must design the revised single-cycle datapath and revised control units which make a processor that executes your instructions as well as the instructions implemented already in the design. After designing the new enhanced processor, you will implement it in Verilog HDL.
Specifications of New Instructions
Instr Type Code Syntax Meaning
1. bltz I-type opcode=1 bltz $rs, Target if R[rs] < 0, branches to PC-relative address
(formed as beq & bne do)
2. bgtz I-type opcode=38 bgtz $rs, Target if R[rs] 0, branch to PC-relative address (formed
as beq & bne do)
3. bgez I-type opcode=39 bgez $rs, Target if R[rs] = 0, branch to PC-relative address
(formed as beq & bne do)
4. bgezal I-type opcode=35 bgezal $rs, Target if R[rs] = 0, branch to PC-relative address (formed
as beq & bne do), link address is stored in register 31.
5. xori I-type opcode=14 xori $rt, $rs, imm16 Put the logical XOR of register $rs and the zero extended immediate into register $rt.
6. nori I-type opcode=13 nori $rt, $rs, imm16 Put the logical NOR of register $rs and the zero extended immediate into register $rt.
7. andi I-type opcode=12 andi $rt, $rs, imm16 Put the logical AND of register $rs and the zero extended immediate into register $rt.
8. brz R-type funct=20 brz $rs if Status [Z] = 1, branches to address found in register $rs.
9. brn R-type funct=21 brn $rs if Status [N] = 1, branches to address found in register $rs.
10. balrz R-type funct=22 balrz $rs, $rd if Status [Z] = 1, branches to address found in register
$rs link address is stored in $rd (which defaults to 31)
11. bz J-type opcode=24 bz Target if Status [Z] = 1, branches to pseudo-direct address
(formed as j does)
12. balz J-type opcode=26 balz Target if Status [Z] = 1, branches to pseudo-direct address
(formed as jal does), link address is stored in register 31
13. jal J-type opcode=3 jal Target jump to pseudo-direct address (formed as j does),
link address is stored in register 31
14. jm I-type opcode=16 jm imm16($rs) jumps to address found in memory (indirect jump)
15. jalm I-type opcode=17 jalm $rt, imm16($rs) jumps to address found in memory (indirect jump), link addressis stored in $rt (which defaults to 31)
16. jsp I-type opcode=18 jsp jumps to address found in memory where the memory address is written in register 29 ($sp).
17. jspal I-type opcode=19 jspal jumps to address found in memory where the memory
address is written in register 29 ($sp) and link address is stored in memory (DataMemory[Register[29]]).
18. sll R-type func=0 sll $rd, $rt, shamt shift register $rt to left by shift amount (shamt) and store the result in register $rd.
19. sllv R-type func=4 sllv $rd, $rt, $rs shift register $rt to left by the value in register $rs, and store the result in register $rd.
20. srlv R-type func=6 srlv $rd, $rt, $rs shift register $rt to right by the value in register $rs, and store the result in register $rd.