Computer Organization
In this assignment you will design an ALU that is capable of unsigned multiplication using Quartus and Verilog HDL.
1. mult32.v Module
Your design will have three modules: adder.v, control.v and datapath.v. You will combine them in a mult32.v file to have the 32 bit multiplier.
Your Control Unit (control.v) will implement the below ASM. Design that using Behavioral Verilog. Structural Verilog is not permitted:
2. alu32.v Module
Your ALU will be able to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, AND, OR, XOR, NOR and Set Less Than operations.
Therefore the alu32.v will use mult32.v module inside.
- Write a report showing and explaining all Verilog files, including your schematics.
- You can only use structural Verilog. Behavioral Verilog is not permitted other than Multiplier.
- No other operations are permitted. And you cannot change ALUop decisions.
- Perform simulations and check for accuracy. Not working designs will not get above 30pts. If the mistake is small it is your responsibility to find and correct it.
- Cheating results in -100 even from outer resources if not mentioned in the report.
- Use only one adder in your design used by multiplier and adder and subtractor.
- Attend the PS explaining the homework and further constraints will be explained there. So PS attendance is a MUST.
“The punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment”