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CSE316 Offline Assignment 3-Solved

Q: Write a program, that will do the following -

1.    Take a signed multi-digit integer number as input using a procedure. While taking the number as input ignore any non-digit input and consider only the digit parts to form the number. [Operand 1]

2.    Take an operator from “+”, “-“, “*”, and “/”. For having “q” as an input, quit the program. For any other input, print “Wrong operator” and quit the program. [Operator]

3.    Take another signed multi-digit integer number as input using the same procedure as written for the first step. While taking the number as input ignore any non-digit input and consider only the digit parts to form the number. [Operand 2]

4.    Output “[Operand 1] [Operator] [Operand 2]”.

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