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CSE270E HTML/CSS Assignment (2) Solved

All web pages are to be created on your LAMP stack using your ubuntu server.

Create the following pages on your Ubuntu Server.  Files will go in /var/www/html/UID-270-web. Dont' forget you must use "sudo su -" to become root to edit these files. Also don't forget to add these to GIT using "git add *" and "git commit -m 'good log message'" and "git push"

All images are to be hosted on your ubuntu server.

1)  Create a page called: html1-1.html

Create a well designed web page that has: Uses an external style sheet

Has well designed background wallpaper

Header section with logo

Header section with your name on it

Footer section with - Name, Copyright,working url to ( , Date etc

Content Section with:

Your name

3 pictures about you each captioned with informative captions and having alt image tags A brief paragraph bio about you.

A set of 3 links to sites you like and a brief description of each as to what you like about the site. A link to all other documents in this assignment.

2)  Create a second document called html1-2.html

Has a Header, Two column content area, and a footer.  Use float for columns, not tables.

Put appropriate content in each area.

Content area 1 and 2 - put in at least 10 rows of Lorem Ipsum

Include at least 1 image in content area 1 and area 2 that has the text float around it.

3)  Create a third document called html1-3

 Uses the same structure as in part 2 above but each content area contains just a HTML5 Canvas with javascript that randomly draws 4 rectangles of random colors in each content area.  Each time the page is loaded it should randomly create the rectangles and colors.

4)  Create a fourth document called html1-4

Uses the same structure as 2

Content area 1 should have a form with labels that looks nice with the following fields username - textbox (label = username, field name = username)

Year - dropdown box with Freshman, Soph, Junior, Senior, graduate, Faculty) label = year, fieldname=year

Checkbox - label and fieldname = Current Student

Comments - textarea with 4 rows and 20 columns - label & fieldname = comments Submit button

Cancel button

Content Area 2 should have a single div area called "results"


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