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CSE225L-Lab 8 Stack (Linked List) Solved

lab we will design and implement the Stack ADT using linked list.





class EmptyStack


template <class ItemType class StackType


    struct NodeType


        ItemType info;

        NodeType* next;

    };     public:

        StackType();         ~StackType();         void Push(ItemType);         void Pop();         ItemType Top();         bool IsEmpty();         bool IsFull();     private:

        NodeType* topPtr;





#include <iostream #include "stacktype.h" using namespace std;


template <class ItemType



    topPtr = NULL;

template <class ItemType

bool StackType<ItemType::IsEmpty()

{     return (topPtr == NULL);

template <class ItemType

ItemType StackType<ItemType::Top()


    if (IsEmpty())         throw EmptyStack();     else

        return topPtr-info; }
template <class ItemType

bool StackType<ItemType::IsFull()


    NodeType* location;     try     {

        location = new NodeType;         delete location;         return false;


    catch(bad_alloc& exception)


        return true;

    } }

template <class ItemType

void StackType<ItemType::Push(ItemType newItem)


    if (IsFull())         throw FullStack();     else


        NodeType* location;         location = new NodeType;         location-info = newItem;         location-next = topPtr;         topPtr = location;

    } } template <class ItemType void StackType<ItemType::Pop()


    if (IsEmpty())         throw EmptyStack();     else


        NodeType* tempPtr;         tempPtr = topPtr;         topPtr = topPtr-next;         delete tempPtr;

    } }

template <class ItemType



    NodeType* tempPtr;     while (topPtr != NULL)


        tempPtr = topPtr;         topPtr = topPtr-next;         delete tempPtr;




Generate the driver file (main.cpp) where you perform the following tasks. Note that you cannot make any change to the header file or the source file.

Operation to Be Tested and Description of Action
Input Values
Expected Output
•     Take infix expressions from the user as input, determine the outcome of the expression and gives that back to user as output, or the text “Invalid expression” if the expression is not a valid one. You will have to solve this problem in two steps. First, you have to convert the expression from infix notation to postfix notation. You are going to need a stack in order to do so. In the next step, you will have to evaluate the postfix expression and determine the final result. Again, you will need a stack in order to do this. All the operands in the infix expressions are single digit non-negative operands and the operators include addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (/).
10 + 3 * 5 / (16 - 4) (5 + 3) * 12 / 3

3 + 4 / (2 - 3) * / 5

7 / 5 + (4 - (2) * 3


 Invalid expression

Invalid expression

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