1) We have bunnies standing in a line, numbered 1, 2, ... The odd bunnies (1, 3, ..) have the normal
2 ears. The even bunnies (2, 4, ..) have 3 ears, because they each have a raised foot. Recursively
return the number of “ears” in the bunny line 1, 2, ... n (without loops or multiplication).
Please enter the number of lines (n=): 2
bunnyEars2(0) → 0
bunnyEars2(1) → 2
bunnyEars2(2) → 5
2) In this question, you will write a program to find super digit of a number X using the following
• If X has only 1 digit, then its super digit is X.
• If X has more than 1 digit, then its super digit is equal to the super digit of the digit-sum of X.
superDigit(1245) = superDigit(1+2+4+5)
= superDigit(12)
= superDigit(1+2)
= superDigit(3)
= 3.
• The number X will be given to your program with two numbers (n and k) and you will
construct the number X as the number n concatenated k times.
Please enter a number (n=) : 123
Please enter repetition factor (k=) : 3
Super digit of number 123123123 is 9.A
3) In this question, you will print identical triangles nested each other recursively. You will construct
the triangles by using two digits ‘_’(underscore) and ‘1’. There will be number of iterations given
as an input to your program.
• If the number of iterations is given as 0, you will print a simple triangle by using 32 rows and
63 columns in a matrix as the following:
• If the number of iterations is given as 1, you will create 3 triangles by calculating their 3
corner points using the original triangle in the previous iteration. It should be noted that the
original triangle at iteration 0 will be decomposed three identical triangles as the following:
• If the number of iterations is given as 2, you will again create 3 triangles for each triangle in
the previous iteration by calculating their 3 corner points using the triangles in the previous
iteration. It should be noted that each triangle at iteration 1 will be decomposed three
identical triangles as the following:
• If the number of iterations is given as 3, you will need to print triangles as the following:
• If the number of iterations is given as 4, you will need to print triangles as the following:
• The number of iterations given to your program will be less than 5.
• The output will consist of 32 rows and 63 columns, and will be composed of ones (1) and
underscores (_) as in the triangles above.
• Solutions using iterations will not be graded for ALL questions.
• You have to solve the problems by using RECURSION.
• It should be noted that selected parts will be graded in your homework.Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mustafa AĞAOĞLU