1. Given any two functions f(n) and g(n), show that f(n) + g(n) = Θ(max{f(n),g(n)}))
2. Show that f(n) =n2+ 2n+ 1 is Θ(n2) using induction. ( If you use l’Hopital, you will lose points.)(5P).).
3. P).rove the functions below (40P).P).).
a) If f(n) = 10P). log(n) + 5 (log(n))3 + 7n + 3n2 + 6n3, then f(n) = O(n3) (5P).) b) 1 = O(n) (5P).)
c) n = O(n2) (5P).)
d) log(n) = O(n), 2 n + 1 = O(n) (5P).)
e) n = Ω(1) (5P).)
f) n2 = Ω(n) (5P).)
g) n2 = Ω(n log(n)) (5P).)
h) 2 n + 1 = Θ(n) (5P).)
4. Sort the following functions from fastest to slowest with respect to their growth rate. Do not use l’Hopital! P).rove all of them using induction (20P).P).).
n!, nk+n , n, logn, n(logn), e7, 20P).19, -7n+m, n4, 10P).0P).*n
*k and m are constants.
5. Explain the time complexity of the code snippets below (10P).P).).
a-)System.out.println = SOP void method4(int [] arr) { for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for(int k = arr.length - 1; k 0; k = k / 3 ) { SOP(arr[i]);
} }
void method3(int [] arr)
{ for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
{ method1(arr);
void method1(int [] arr)
{ int n = arr.length;
for(int i = n - 1 ; i = 0; i = i - 3)
SOP (arr[i]);
6. Calculate the time complexity of the following recurrence functions (Use the master theorem)(10P)
• T(n) = T(n/7) + n4
• T(n) = T(n/99) + n75
• T(n) = 23T(n/12) + 6
7. Write mergesort with pseudo-code and analyze the algorithm’s worst case, best case and average case using asymptotic notations(15P).