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CSE221: Algorithms Solution

Lab Assignment 01
Submission Guidelines:
1. You can code all of them either in Python, Java or CPP. But you should choose a specific language for all tasks.
2. For each task write separate python files like, and so on.
3. For each problem, take input from files called "inputX.txt", and output at "outputX.txt", where X is the task number. So, for problem 2, in your code, the input file is basically this, "input2.txt". Same for the output file.
4. Finally zip all the files and rename this zip file as per this format: [Example:]
5. You MUST follow all the guidelines, and naming/file/zipping convention stated above. Failure to do so will result in a straight 50% mark deduction.
Task 1:
a) You are given a file “input1a.txt”. The first line of the input file will contain an integer T, representing the number of test cases. The next T lines will contain an integer N. You have to calculate if the number is Odd or Even. For each test case print the expected output. All the results must be compiled in a single file, “output1a.txt.”
Sample Input File Sample Output File
100 10 is an Even number.
19 is an Odd number.
7 is an Odd number.
3 is an Odd number.
100 is an Even number.
b) You are given a file “input1b.txt”. The first line of the input file will contain an integer T, representing the number of test cases. The next T lines will contain a single arithmetic expression. Each arithmetic expression will start with the prefix “calculate“. It is guaranteed that the expression will have exactly two operands and one operator.
Calculate the result of each expression. Your output format should exactly match with the sample output format. All the results must be compiled in a single file,
Sample Input File Sample Output File
15 calculate 67 + 41 calculate 85 / 5 calculate 13 - 56 calculate 99 - 95 calculate 3 / 10 calculate 12 * 19 calculate 14 - 6 calculate 3 * 88 calculate 45 * 68 calculate 81 - 0 calculate 77 + 40 calculate 8 * 84 calculate 73 - 22 calculate 85 - 86 calculate 28 * 58 The result of 67 + 41 is 108
The result of 85 / 5 is 17.0
The result of 13 - 56 is -43
The result of 99 - 95 is 4
The result of 3 / 10 is 0.3
The result of 12 * 19 is 228
The result of 14 - 6 is 8
The result of 3 * 88 is 264
The result of 45 * 68 is 3060
The result of 81 - 0 is 81
The result of 77 + 40 is 117
The result of 8 * 84 is 672
The result of 73 - 22 is 51
The result of 85 - 86 is -1
The result of 28 * 58 is 1624
Task 2:
Here is the code of bubble sort. Its run time complexity is θ(n2). Change the code in a way so that its time complexity is θ(n) for the best-case scenario.
You have to explain how you have achieved the θ(n) for the best-case scenario in a comment block of your code.
def bubbleSort(arr):
for i in range(len(arr)-1):
for j in range(len(arr)-i-1):
if arr[j] > arr[j+1]: arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j]
Input 1:
3 2 1 4 5 Output 1:
1 2 3 4 5
Input 2:
5 10 15 20 25 30 Output 2:
5 10 15 20 25 30
For the input 2, your code should run at θ(n).
Task 3:
However, you have to keep in mind that your sorting algorithms perform the minimum number of swapping operations.
The first line of the input file will contain an integer N ( 1 ≤ N ≤ 1000 ).
The second line will contain N integers, representing the Student ID, Si ( 1 ≤ Si ≤ 1000 ). The next line will contain the N integer, Sm ( 1 ≤ Sm ≤ 1000 ), which denotes the obtained mark of the corresponding students.
Input 1:
7 4 9 3 2 5 1
40 50 50 20 10 10 10 Output 1:
ID: 4 Mark: 50
ID: 9 Mark: 50
ID: 7 Mark: 40
ID: 3 Mark: 20
ID: 1 Mark: 10
ID: 2 Mark: 10
ID: 5 Mark: 10
Input 2:
7 2 5 3
80 60 80 50 Output 2:
ID: 5 Mark: 80
ID: 7 Mark: 80
ID: 2 Mark: 60
ID: 3 Mark: 50
Task 4:
Your task is to write a sorting algorithm that will group the trains in the lexicographical
order based on the name of the trains. If two or more trains have the same name, then the train with the latest departure time will get prioritized. If there is still a tie, then the train which comes first in the input file will come first.
Sample Input Sample Output
ABCD will departure for Mymensingh at 00:30
DhumketuExpress will departure for Chittagong at 02:30
SubornoExpress will departure for Chittagong at 14:30
ABC will departure for Dhaka at 17:30
ShonarBangla will departure for Dhaka at 12:30
SubornoExpress will departure for Rajshahi at 14:30
ABCD will departure for Chittagong at 01:00
SubornoExpress will departure for Dhaka at 11:30 ABC will departure for Barisal at 03:00
PadmaExpress will departure for Chittagong at 20:30
ABC will departure for Khulna at 03:00
ABCE will departure for Sylhet at 23:05
PadmaExpress will departure for Dhaka at 19:30 ABC will departure for Dhaka at 17:30
ABC will departure for Barisal at 03:00
ABC will departure for Khulna at 03:00
ABCD will departure for Chittagong at 01:00
ABCD will departure for Mymensingh at 00:30
ABCE will departure for Sylhet at 23:05
DhumketuExpress will departure for Chittagong at 02:30
PadmaExpress will departure for Chittagong at 20:30
PadmaExpress will departure for Dhaka at 19:30
ShonarBangla will departure for Dhaka at 12:30
SubornoExpress will departure for Chittagong at 14:30
SubornoExpress will departure for Rajshahi at 14:30 SubornoExpress will departure for Dhaka at 11:30

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