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CSE220 Lab 04 [CO3] Solution

Greetings Students. In this lab, we will play with Dummy Headed Doubly Circular Linked List. If you want to read about this type of linked list then check this file.
In this lab, you have to implement a waiting room management system in an emergency ward of a hospital. Your program will serve a patient on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Solve the above problem using a Dummy Headed Doubly Circular Linked List.
1. You need to have a Patient class so that you can create an instance of it (patient) by assigning id(integer), name (String), age (integer), and blood group (String).
2. Write a WRM (waiting room management) class that will contain the below methods.
a. RegisterPatient(id, name, age, bloodgroup): This method will register a patient into your system. The method will create a Patient type object with the information received as parameter. It means this method will add a patient-type object to your linked list.
b. ServePatient(): This method calls a patient to provide hospital service to him/her. In this method, you need to ensure to serve the patient first who was registered first.
c. CancelAll(): This method cancels all appointments of the patients so that the doctor can go to lunch.
d. CanDoctorGoHome(): This method returns true if no one is waiting, otherwise, returns false.
e. ShowAllPatient(): This method prints all names of the waiting patients in sequential order. It means the patient who got registered first, will come first, and so on.
f. ReverseTheLine(): This method reverses the patient line. It means the patient who got registered last, will come first, and so on.
3. Write a Tester code that will interact with users and take information about Patients. You will pass this information to WRM and create instances of Patient in WRM and call the methods of WRM class. You just need to ensure your Tester code has completed all the properties mentioned in 4 no point.
4. Tester Code Options:
a. Add Patient – print Success or Not
b. Serve Patient – print Name of Patient being Served
c. Show All patients – print all patient in sequence to serve
d. Can Doctor go Home? – return yes or no
e. Cancel all Appointment – print Success or Not
f. ReverseTheLine - print Success or Not
Usual Node class design in doubly linked list:
class DoublyNode:
def __init__(self, elem, next, prev):
self.elem = elem = next # To store the next node’s reference.
self.prev = prev # To store the previous node’s reference.
In your program your Patient class will work as the Node class for the Dummy Headed Doubly Circular Linked List and WRM class will work as that Linked List.

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