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CSE216-Assignment 5 CREW (concurrent-read exclusive-write) Solved

Concurrent-read exclusive-write (CREW) is a fundamental concurrent programming paradigm. As the name suggests, it is about implementing a system that allows for multiple threads
to read a shared object, but only allows one thread to write to a shared object at any given moment. In this part of the assignment, your task is to write a class called WordCounter,
whose work is described below:
1. This class will read a list of plain text files, all of which are in a given folder.
2. Based on the word counts, it will generate a table that shows which word appears how many times and in which file.
Let us look at a worked out example. Suppose there are three text files:
text-a.txt: "There are so many words in this file. Well, actually not that many if you really start counting them."
text-b.txt: "The words are scattered everywhere, and in no order whatsoever. What. So. Ever. How will counting them help?"
text-c.txt: "So, what can you do?"
The output table is shown below.
For the purpose of this assignment, you need not worry about hyphenated words (e.g., "e-mail"), apostrophes (e.g., "it's" or "Ma'am"), 'word-like' objects (e.g., a date written as "01-12-
2020"), acronyms and abbreviations (e.g., "Mr.", "U.S.A."), or quotes.
Note the following features of this output:
the words in column one are alphabetically ordered
the columns corresponding to the files are alphabetically ordered by file name
the first column's width is the longest word's length plus one character (so that there's a single space
between the longest word and the first number)
all the columns specific to a file have the same width, and counts the number of occurrences of a
word in that file
the last column counts the total number of occurrences of a word across all files
all words are lowercased
punctuation (. , : ; ! ?) has been completely ignored
The WordCounter file must generate this output for the set of all files in a specific folder. To
accomplish this, it must read each text file in a separate thread. Of course, all the words and word-counts
from individual files have to consolidated to write the final table. This is where you must carefully put
together the results obtained by the different threads.
First, you should test this code without multithreading (i.e., the number of threads is just one -- the main
thread) and then, with multithreading, to see what kind of speed boost (if any) you are getting. This will
also help you identify bugs in your code. If something is going wrong with a single thread, then of
course, the multithreaded version will also have bugs (and debugging single-threaded programs are
much easier).
The basic structure of WordCounter is given below. Your class must have the constants
the only values we will change to run your code, so you have to be absolutely sure that your code is
modular and robust enough to not crash if these details are changed when the code is run on another
machine. For grading, only these constants will be changed, and your code will then be run (the graders
will not modify anything else).
 text-a text-b text-c total
actually 1 0 0 1
and 0 1 0 1
are 1 1 0 2
can 0 0 1 1
counting 1 1 0 2
do 0 0 1 1
ever 0 1 0 1
everywhere 0 1 0 1
file 1 0 0 1
help 0 1 0 1
how 0 1 0 1
if 1 0 0 1
in 1 1 0 1
many 2 0 0 2
no 0 1 0 1
not 1 0 0 1
order 0 1 0 1
really 1 0 0 1
scattered 0 1 0 1
so 1 1 1 3
start 1 0 0 1
that 1 0 0 1
the 0 1 0 1
them 1 1 0 2
there 1 0 0 1
this 1 0 0 1
well 1 0 0 1
what 0 1 1 2
whatsoever 0 1 0 1
will 0 1 0 1
words 1 1 0 2
you 1 0 1 2
public class WordCounter {
 // The following are the ONLY variables we will modify for grading.
 // The rest of your code must run with no changes.
 public static final Path FOLDER_OF_TEXT_FILES = Paths.get("..."); // path to the folder where input text files are located
 public static final Path WORD_COUNT_TABLE_FILE = Paths.get("..."); // path to the output plain-text (.txt) file
 public static final int NUMBER_OF_THREADS = 2; // max. number of threads to spawn

 public static void main(String... args) {
 // your implementation of how to run the WordCounter as a stand-alone multi-threaded program

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