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CSE204 Graph-Solved

You have been provided with two different implementations of a Graph: an adjacency matrix implementation (GraphAdjMatrix.cpp) and an adjacency list implementation (GraphAdjList.cpp). Please go through the two files thoroughly to understand each and every line of the program.  Here Graph data structure has been implemented using a C++ class Graph. In addition to this class, two other classes are already and fully implemented in the file: Queue class to be used later by the BFS function of Graph and ArrayList class that has been used by the Graph class to store adjacency list information. Please understand these two helper classes carefully including the constructor and destructor functions.

The graph can be either directed or undirected. This choice will be given as input by the user.

The following functions are already implemented in the Graph class:

·  void setnVertices(int n): Sets the number of vertices in the graph. This function initializes the graph data structure by allocating memory for the graph storage.

·   void addEdge(int u, int v): Adds an edge (u,v) to the graph. In case of undirected graph, edge (u,v) is the same as edge (v,u).

· void printGraph(): Prints the graph in adjacency list format.

For this homework, you are required to add the following functions to the above implementations (both files):

Task 1: void removeEdge(int u, int v): Removes the edge (u, v) from the graph.

Task 2: bool isEdge(int u, int v): Returns true if (u, v) is an edge, otherwise returns false.

Task 3: int getDegree(int u, bool out=true): Returns the out degree of a vertex u if out is true. out is set to true as a default argument. If out is set to false while calling the function, the function should return the in degree of the vertex u.

Task 4: void printAdjVertices(int u): Prints all adjacent vertices of u.

Task 5: bool hasCommonAdjacent(int u, int v): Returns true if vertices u and v have some common adjacent vertices. Otherwise, it should return false.

Task 6: void bfs(int source): Runs BFS algorithm on the graph using source as the source vertex. BFS statistics like parent, distance, and color information must be saved in class variables. So, you will need to define these as class private variables. Use the given Queue class in BFS. Define BFS related variables, i.e., parent, distance, and color, as class variables and initialize them memory appropriately in the Graph constructor.

Task 7: int getDist(int u, int v): Returns the shortest path distance from vertex u to vertex v. You will first need to run BFS on the graph using u as the source vertex. Then, you will use the dist array to find the distance.

Task 8: Graph destructor function: Implement the destructor function for the Graph class. View the destructor functions of Queue and ArrayList to get some hints.

Task 9 (Bonus, not mandatory): Modify your adjacency list implementation to enable storing weighted graphs.

In a weighted graph, every edge (u, v) is associated with an integer weight w. For example, in a road network graph, we may need to store the distance of each road segment in the graph. In that case, we will require storing distance value as a weight of each edge that represent a road segment between two junctions.

So, modify your graph implementation (only the adjacency list form, because it is trivial to store weight in a matrix form) so that weight can be stored. Implement this in a separate file named GraphAdjListWeighted.cpp . All the functions mentioned above should be implemented in GraphAdjListWeighted.cpp . You can maintain an ArrayList named weightList to store weights of neighbor vertices (similar to adjList).

Several existing functions may need to be changed in GraphAdjListWeighted.cpp such as follows:

·  void addEdge(int u, int v, int w) : Adds an edge (u, v) to the graph with weight value w.

Modify other class functions wherever required. 

All the functions should consider both directed and undirected graph, whenever needed. Also, always check whether the vertex number is valid, i.e. between 0 and nVertices (inclusive). 

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