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CSE204 Disjoint Set-Solved

In this task you have to implement the disjoint set data structure. You need to implement the following functions: 

1.   Make-Set (x): Makes a new set by creating a new element with a unique id, a rank of 0, and a parent pointer to itself. Time complexity: 𝑂𝑂(1).

2. Find-Set (x): Finds the set that has the element x. Time complexity: 𝑂𝑂(log𝑛𝑛).

3.  Union (u, v): Combines two sets that contain u and v respectively, create a new set that is a union of both sets (i.e. includes all items of both sets). Time complexity: 𝑂𝑂(log𝑛𝑛).

4.      Print (u): Print the elements of set u.

******Space complexity: 𝑂𝑂(𝑛𝑛). 

You should write your program using features of object-oriented programming. 

Create a menu for the nine operations. Use 1-5 for the above operations sequentially and 5 for quit. Ask user to select an operation until option 5 is selected. Also prompt user for input any value which is required for the corresponding operations. 

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