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CSE2-4DBF Assignment 2 Solution

to perform queries on a relational database system using SQL; to demonstrate an advanced knowledge of stored procedures, stored functions and triggers.

This is an individual Assignment. You are not permitted to work as a group when writing this assignment.


Task 1 should be saved to a file named task1.txt.
Task 2 should be saved to a file named task2.txt.
Task 3 should be saved to a file named task3.txt.


The relevant SQL queries for the ‘ServiceMatch’ Database System. The required stored procedures, stored function, and triggers.

NOTE: No built-in ORACLE column numbering (such as ROWNUM) or other ORACLE ranking facilities (such as RANK) can be used in this assignment.

Implement the following tasks using ORACLE Application Express (APEX).

Download the file ArchieSchema.sql from the LMS site and run it on APEX. This file contains all the CREATE and INSERT statements you will need for this assignment.

Run the schema file on APEX following the same process we followed to run a schema during the labs (watch week 7 lab recording).


The list of tables available for this assignment is the following:

Manufacturer(manufacturerID, name, region)
Model(modelNo, name, type, previousModel, manufacturerID) Car(VIN, dateAcquired, yearBuilt, purchasedPrice, askingPrice,
currentMileage, color, modelNo) Feature(featureID, desc, category)
CarFeature(VIN, featureID)
Customer(custID, name, DOB, streetAddress, suburb, postcode,
gender, phoneNo, email, type) CustomerPreference(custID, featureID)
SalesAgent(agentID, name, DOB)
SeniorAgent(agentID, yearPromoted)
JuniorAgent(agentID, supervisor)
SalesTransaction(VIN, custID, agentID, dateOfSale, agreedPrice)
ViewingParty(viewingPartyID, contactNo, email)
Organisation(viewingPartyID, name)
InternationalGuests(viewingPartyID, country)
CarsViewed(VIN, viewingPartyID, dateViewed, amountPaid)

NOTE: PK is printed underlined, and FK is printed in italics.

Task 1 [50 marks]

Using the tables provided above, provide SQL statements for the following queries.

a. Display the name of the customer who has purchased the most cars from Archie’s Luxury Motors.

b. For each sales agent, display their ID and name, along with the total number of sales they have made thus far. Order by number of sales decreasing.

d. Display the details (i.e., Manufacturer name, model name, type, and the number of times it was sold) of the top selling European car model. Hint: use the manufacturer region information.

e. Display the average number of sales transactions (i.e., car sales) per month. Hint: count the number of sales for each month, then divide the count by the number of years the dealership has been making transactions for.

- Note: A VIP customer gets a 5% discount for any car purchase greater than or equal to $50,000 AUD. However, the agreed price stored in the database is without the discount. For each car sold to a VIP customer with an agreed price of $50,000 AUD or more, you should subtract this 5% discount from the agreed price when calculating the profit. Also note that the profit from each viewing party show is equal to the amount paid for the show.

[a – e: 8 marks each, f: 10 marks – 50%]

Task 2 [35 marks]

Provide the implementation of the following stored procedures and function. For submission, please include both the PL/SQL code and code to execute (for the procedure)/SQL statement (for the function) to demonstrate the functionality.

a. Write a stored procedure that accepts a particular year as input, and as output displays the number of cars sold grouped by the 3 mileage groups (Low Mileage: <50000km, Medium Mileage: >=50000km & <150000km, High Mileage: >=150000km). Also display the total number of cars sold overall.

[a: 20 marks, b: 15 marks – 35%]

Task 3 [15 marks]

Provide the implementation of the following trigger. For submission, please include both the PL/SQL code and an insert statement to demonstrate the trigger functionality.

a. A Trigger which automatically stores in a separate table called ‘ExcellentSale’ the Sales Agent name, car model and manufacturer name, each time the agreed price of a
SalesTransaction is more than 20% above the car’s asking price. (Note: You need to create the ‘ExcellentSale’ table before implementing this trigger. To create the primary key, use a sequence that starts at 1 and increments by 1).
[15 marks – 15%]

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