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CSE120-Mid-Term Exam Solved

The Office of Student Life of the university has hired you to design a mobile app to help students ease their frustrations when it is time to register for classes.

Below is a list of features that your client would like to include in the app:

•        Generate up to 50 schedules that fit your classes

•        Filters to tailor the schedule to your life such as focusing on late classes, minimizing gaps, and even input your work schedule and meeting times

•        Port your created schedule to Google Calendar with the click of a button

•        Follow classes and receive a notification when a spot opens up

Task 1: Create a user story for each of the feature mentioned in the list above.

Task 2: For each of the user stories from Task 1, list the following use case information:

•        Name

•        Actors

•        Entry Condition

•        Exit Condition

•        Event Flow

Task 3: Create a UML use-case diagram for this app. There should be only one diagram that includes all the use cases described.

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