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CSE112 Assignment Solution

CSE 112 Computer Organization
Introduction and Instructions
● This will be a group assignment, each student in the group will be marked separately. Therefore try to make sure that work is roughly divided equally among all the members of the group.
● In this assignment, you will have to design and implement a custom assembler and a custom simulator for a given ISA.
● You are not restricted to any programming language. However, your program must read from stdin and write to stdout.
● You must use GitHub to collaborate. You must track your progress via git.
● The automated testing infrastructure assumes that you have a working Linux-based shell. For those who are using Windows, you can either use a VM or WSL.
There are a total of four questions in this assignment:
1. Designing and Implementing the assembler.
2. Designing and Implementing the simulator.
3. Extending the functionality of the assembler-simulator set-up to handle simple floating-point computations.
4. A bonus question based on the assembler and simulator.
The bonus will be worth 10%.
We will release some test cases with the assignment so that you can test your implementations. During the evaluations, a superset of these test cases would be provided to you, on which you will get graded.
You will have two deadlines for this assignment:
1. The mid-evaluation:
b. You will be tested mostly on the test cases already provided to you with the assignment.
c. However, we might add some other test cases as well.
d. You will only be evaluated on the assembler. (20%)
2. The final evaluation:
b. You should also have completed Q3(10%).
c. You will be evaluated on a much larger set of test cases this time.
d. You will also be evaluated on the bonus question at this stage.
❖ The mid evaluation will be worth 20% of your final assignment grade. The final evaluation will be worth the rest 80% of your final assignment grade. The bonus will be worth 10% making the total 110%.
a. Q1 and Q2 are mandatory questions.
b. In Q1, you will have to make an assembler.
c. In Q2, you have to make a simulator for which detailed information is mentioned in the respective questions.
d. Q3 is an extension of the functionality of the assembler-simulator set-up that you build.
e. Q4 is a bonus question.
● For Q1 and Q2: Grading will be based on the number of test cases that your program passes.
a. Assembler: The test cases are divided into 3 sets:
i. ErrorGen: These tests are supposed to generate errors
ii. simpleBin: These are simple test cases that are supposed to generate a binary.
iii. hardGen: These are hard test cases that are supposed to generate a binary.
b. Simulator: The test cases are divided into 2 sets:
● For Q3:
a. Assembler: The test cases are divided into 2 sets:
■ ErrorGen: These tests are supposed to generate errors
■ SimpleBin: These are simple test cases which are supposed to generate a binary.
b. Simulator: The test cases are divided into single set:
■ simpleBin: These are simple test cases which are supposed to generate a
For Q4:
● You need to design 5 instructions on your own.
● Upgrade your Assembler to handle those instructions.
● Upgrade your simulators to simulate the newly defined instructions.
● You need to create a readme file for the instructions that you have created.
2) On the day of your demo, a compressed archive of all tests will be shared with you on google classroom. This archive will include other test cases as well, which will not be provided to you beforehand.
3) On the day of evaluation, you must
b) Prove the integrity of the tests archive by computing the sha256sum of the archive. To compute the checksum, you can run “sha256sum
4) Then you can extract the archive and replace the “automatedTesting/tests” directory.
5) Then you need to execute the automated testing infrastructure, which will run all the tests and finally print your score.
1. Any copying of code from your peers or from the internet will invoke the institute's
Assignment Description
ISA description:
Consider a 16 bit ISA with the following instructions and opcodes, along with the syntax of an assembly language which supports this ISA.
The ISA has 6 encoding types of instructions. The description of the types is given later.
Opcode Instruction Semantics Syntax Type
00000 Addition Performs reg1 = reg2 + reg3.
If the computation overflows, then
the overflow flag is set and 0 is written in reg1 add reg1 reg2 reg3 A
00001 Subtraction Performs reg1 = reg2- reg3. In
case reg3 > reg2,
0 is written to reg1 and overflow flag is set. sub reg1 reg2 reg3 A
00010 Move Immediate Performs reg1 =
where Imm is a 7 bit value. mov reg1 $Imm B
00011 Move Register Move content of reg2 into reg1. mov reg1 reg2 C
00100 Load Loads data from mem_addr into reg1. ld reg1 mem_addr D
00101 Store Stores data from
reg1 to mem_addr. st reg1 mem_addr D
00110 Multiply Performs reg1 = reg2 x reg3. If the computation overflows, then
the overflow flag is set and 0 is written in reg1 mul reg1 reg2 reg3 A

00111 Divide Performs reg3/reg4. Stores
the quotient in R0 and the remainder in R1. If reg4 is 0 then overflow flag is set and
content of R0 and
R1 are set to 0 div reg3 reg4 C
01000 Right Shift Right shifts reg1 by $Imm, where
$Imm is a 7 bit value. rs reg1 $Imm B
01001 Left Shift Left shifts reg1 by $Imm, where
$Imm is a 7 bit value. ls reg1 $Imm B
01010 Exclusive OR Performs bitwise
XOR of reg2 and
reg3. Stores the result in reg1. xor reg1 reg2 reg3 A
01011 Or Performs bitwise
OR of reg2 and reg3. Stores the result in reg1. or reg1 reg2 reg3 A
01100 And Performs bitwise
AND of reg2 and
reg3. Stores the result in reg1. and reg1 reg2 reg3 A
01101 Invert Performs bitwise NOT of reg2.
Stores the result in reg1. not reg1 reg2 C
01110 Compare Compares reg1 and reg2 and sets up the FLAGS register. cmp reg1 reg2 C
01111 Uncondition al Jump Jumps to mem_addr,
where mem_addr is a memory address. jmp mem_addr E
11100 Jump If Less Than Jump to mem_addr if the less than
flag is set (less than flag = 1), where mem_addr is a memory address. jlt mem_addr E
11101 Jump If
Greater Than Jump to mem_addr if the greater
than flag is set
(greater than flag
= 1), where mem_addr is a memory address. jgt mem_addr E
11111 Jump If Equal Jump to mem_addr if the equal flag
is set (equal flag
= 1), where mem_addr is a memory address. je mem_addr E
11010 Halt Stops the machine from executing until reset hlt F
where reg(x) denotes register, mem_addr is a memory address (must be an 7-bit binary number), and Imm denotes a constant value (must be an 7-bit binary number). The ISA has 7 general purpose registers and 1 flag register. The ISA supports an address size of 7 bits, which is double byte addressable. Therefore, each address fetches two bytes of data. This results in a total address space of 256 bytes. This ISA only supports whole number arithmetic. If the subtraction results in a negative number; for example “3 - 4”, the reg value will be set to 0 and overflow bit will be set. All the representations of the number are hence unsigned. The registers in assembly are named as R0, R1, R2, ... , R6 and FLAGS. Each register is 16 bits.
Note: “mov reg $Imm”: This instruction copies the Imm(7bit) value in the register’s lower 7 bits. The upper 9 bits are zeroed out.
Suppose R0 has 1110_1010_1000_1110 stored, and mov R0 $13 is executed. The final value of R0 will be 0000_0000_0000_1101.
FLAGS semantics
The semantics of the flags register are:
● Overflow (V): This flag is set by {add, sub,mul, div} when the result of the operation overflows. This shows the overflow status for the last executed instruction.
● Less than (L): This flag is set by the “cmp reg1 reg2” instruction if reg1 < reg2
● Greater than (G): This flag is set by the “cmp reg1 reg2” instruction if the value of reg1 > reg2
● Equal (E): This flag is set by the “cmp reg1 reg2” instruction if reg1 = reg2
The default state of the FLAGS register is all zeros. If an instruction does not set the FLAGS register after the execution, the FLAGS register is reset to zeros.
The structure of the FLAGS register is as follows:
Unused 12 bits V L G E
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The only operation allowed in the FLAGS register is “mov reg1 FLAGS”, where reg1 can be any of the registers from R0 to R6. This instruction reads FLAGS register and writes the data into reg1. All other operations on the FLAGS register are prohibited.
The cmp instruction can implicitly write to the FLAGS register. Similarly, conditional jump instructions can implicitly read the FLAGS register.
R0 has 5, R1 has 10
Implicit write: cmp R0 R1 will set the L (less than) flag in the FLAGS register.
Implicit read: jlt 0001001 will read the FLAGS register and figure out that the L flag was set, and then jump to address 0001001.
Binary Encoding
The ISA has 6 types of instructions with distinct encoding styles. However, each instruction is of 16 bits, regardless of the type. ● Type A: 3 register type
(5 bits) Unused
(2 bits) reg1
(3 bits ) reg2
(3 bits) reg3
(3 bits )
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
● Type B: register and immediate type
(5 bits) Unused
(1 bit) reg1
(3 bits) Immediate Value (7 bits)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
● Type C: 2 registers type
(5 bits) Unuse
(5 bits) d reg1
(3 bits) reg2
(3 bits )
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
● Type D: register and memory address type
(5 bits) Unused
(1 bit) reg1
(3 bits) Memory Address
(7 bits)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
● Type E: memory address type
(5 bits) unused
(4 bits) Memory Address
(7 bits)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
● Type F: halt
(5 bits) unused
(11 bits)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Binary representation for the register are given as follows:-
Register Address
R0 000
R1 001
R2 010
R3 011
R4 100
R5 101
R6 110
Executable binary syntax
The machine exposed by the ISA starts executing the code provided to it in the following format, until it reaches hlt instruction. There can only be one hlt instruction in the whole program, and it must be the last instruction. The execution starts from the 0th address. The ISA follows von-neumann architecture with a unified code and data memory.
The variables must be allocated in the binary in the program order.
(last instruction) halt
Q1: Assembler:
● Empty line: Ignore these lines
● A label
● An instruction
● A variable definition
Each of these entities have the following grammar:
● The syntax of all the supported instructions is given above. The fields of an instruction are whitespace separated. The instruction itself might also have whitespace before it. An instruction can be one of the following:
○ The opcode must be one of the supported mnemonic.
○ A register can be one of R0, R1, … R6, and FLAGS.
○ A mem_addr in jump instructions must be a label.
○ A Imm must be a whole number <= 127 and >= 0.
○ A mem_addr in load and store must be a variable.
● A variable definition is of the following format:
var xyz
which declares a 16 bit variable called xyz. This variable name can be used in place of mem_addr fields in load and store instructions.
All variables must be defined at the very beginning of the assembly program. The assembler should be capable of:
1) Handling all supported instructions
2) Handling labels
3) Handling variables
4) Making sure that any illegal instruction (any instruction (or instruction usage) which is not supported) results in a syntax error. In particular you must handle:
a) Typos in instruction name or register name
b) Use of undefined variables
c) Use of undefined labels
d) Illegal use of FLAGS register
e) Illegal Immediate values (more than 7 bits)
f) Misuse of labels as variables or vice-versa
g) Variables not declared at the beginning
h) Missing hlt instruction
i) hlt not being used as the last instruction
You need to generate distinct readable errors for all these conditions. If you find any other illegal usage, you are required to generate a “General Syntax Error”.
The assembler must print out all these errors.
5) If the code is error free, then the corresponding binary is generated. The binary file is a text file in which each line is a 16bit binary number written using 0s and 1s in ASCII. The assembler can write less than or equal to 128 lines.
Input/Output format:
● The assembler must read the assembly program as an input text file (stdin).
● The assembler must generate the binary (if there are no errors) as an output text file
Example of an assembly program: var X mov R1 $10 mov R2 $100 mul R3 R2 R1
st R3 X hlt
The above program will be converted into the following machine code
Q2: Simulator:
You need to write a simulator for the given ISA. The input to the simulator is a binary file (the format is the same as the format of the binary file generated by the assembler in Q1. The simulator should load the binary in the system memory at the beginning, and then start executing the code at address 0. The code is executed until hlt is reached. After execution of each instruction, the simulator should output one line containing an 7 bit number denoting the program counter. This should be followed by 8 space separated 16 bit binary numbers denoting the values of the registers (R0, R1, … R6 and FLAGS).
<PC (7 bits)><space><R0 (16 bits)><space>...<R6 (16 bits)><space><FLAGS (16 bits)>.
The output must be written to stdout. Similarly, the input must be read from stdin. After the program is halted, print the memory dump of the whole memory. This should be 128 lines, each having a 16 bit value.
<16 bit data>
<16 bit data> …..
<16 bit data>
Your simulator must have the following distinct components:
1. Memory (MEM): MEM takes in an 7 bit address and returns a 16 bit value as the data. The MEM stores 256 bytes, initialized to 0s.
2. Program Counter (PC): The PC is an 7 bit register which points to the current instruction.
3. Register File (RF): The RF takes in the register name (R0, R1, … R6 or FLAGS) and returns the value stored at that register.
4. Execution Engine (EE): The EE takes the address of the instruction from the PC, uses it to get the stored instruction from MEM, and executes the instruction by updating the RF and PC.
The simulator should follow roughly the following pseudocode:
initialize(MEM); // Load memory from stdin PC = 0; // Start from the first instruction halted = false;
while(not halted)
Instruction = MEM.fetchData(PC); // Get current instruction halted, new_PC = EE.execute(Instruction); // Update RF compute new_PC
PC.dump(); // Print PC
RF.dump(); // Print RF state
PC.update(new_PC); // Update PC
MEM.dump() // Print the complete memory
Q3: Floating-Point Arithmetic:
CSE112_Floating_point_representation: NO sign bit, 3 exponent bits, and 5 mantissa bits.
● In the registers, only the last 8 bits will be used in computations and initialization for the floating-point numbers.
Modify the assembler and simulator to include arithmetic operations for floating-point numbers of the form(precision) given above.
Specifically, include the following functions:
10000 F_Addition Performs reg1 = reg2 + reg3. If the computation overflows, then the overflow
flag is set and reg1 is set to 0 addf reg1 reg2 reg3 A
10001 F_Subtraction Performs reg1 = reg2 - reg3. In subf reg1 reg2 reg3 A
case reg3 >reg2,
0 is written to reg1 and
overflow flag is set.
10010 Move F_Immediate Performs reg1 =
$Imm where Imm is an 8-bit
floating-point value. movf reg1 $Imm B
● For moving 1.5 into reg1. The instruction(in assembly language) should be: movf reg1 $1.5
● Keep in mind that in floating point multiplication $Imm is 8 bit so you need to make a new Type B syntax with 8 bit.
● The students must only apply the operations for the floating-point numbers that can be represented in the given system(8 bits), else they should report it as an error.
Q4: (Bonus) Designing New Instructions
In Q4. You need to design five instructions on your own or take help of online resources. After their design you need to upgrade your assembler to include those instructions.Similarly you need to upgrade your simulator to simulate those instructions.
Upgrade Assembler 5%
Upgrade Simulator 5%
A proper readme file with description of the instructions (opcode, semantics etc) should be included and proper explanation should be given to respectiveTA during evaluation. N.B. You are not allowed to change the existing opcode.

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