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CSE111 Solution

Course Title: Programming Language II
Course Code: CSE 111
Lab Assignment no: 3 & 4 Merged
Patient class so that the following output is produced:
[For BMI, the formula is BMI = weight/height^2, where weight is in kg and height in meters]
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here p1 = Patient("A", 55, 63.0, 158.0) p1.printDetails()
print("====================") p2 = Patient("B", 53, 61.0, 149.0) p2.printDetails() Name: A
Age: 55
Weight: 63.0 kg
Height: 158.0 cm
BMI: 25.236340330075304
Name: B
Age: 53
Weight: 61.0 kg
Height: 149.0 cm
BMI: 27.476239809017613
Design a class Shape for the given code below.
• Write a class Shape.
• Write the required constructor that takes 3 parameters and initialize the instancevariables accordingly.
• Write a method area() that prints the area.
Hint: the area method can calxculate only for the shapes: Triangle, Rectangle,
Rhombus, and Square. So, you have to use conditions inside this method For this task, assume that --
● for a triangle, the arguments passed are the base and height
● for a rhombus, the arguments passed are the diagonals
● for a square or rectangle, the arguments passed are the sides.
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here triangle = Shape("Triangle",10,25) triangle.area()
print("==========================") square = Shape("Square",10,10) square.area()
print("==========================") rhombus = Shape("Rhombus",18,25) rhombus.area()
print("==========================") rectangle = Shape("Rectangle",15,30) rectangle.area()
print("==========================") trapezium = Shape("Trapezium",15,30) trapezium.area() Area: 125.0
Area: 100
Area: 225.0
Area: 450
Area: Shape unknown
Calculator class so that the following output is produced:
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here c1 = Calculator()
val = c1.calculate(10, 20, '+') print("Returned value:", val) c1.showCalculation() print("==================")
val = c1.calculate(val, 10, '-') print("Returned value:", val) c1.showCalculation() print("==================")
val = c1.calculate(val, 5, '*') print("Returned value:", val) c1.showCalculation() print("==================")
val = c1.calculate(val, 16, '/') print("Returned value:", val) c1.showCalculation() Calculator is ready!
Returned value: 30
10 + 20 = 30
Returned value: 20
30 - 10 = 20
Returned value: 100
20 * 5 = 100
Returned value: 6.25
100 / 16 = 6.25
Design the Programmer class in such a way so that the following code provides the expected output.
Hint: o Write the constructor with appropriate printing and multiple arguments. o Write the addExp() method with appropriate printing and argument. o Write the printDetails() method
[You are not allowed to change the code below]
# Write your code here. p1 = Programmer("Ethen Hunt", "Java", 10) p1.printDetails()
p2 = Programmer("James Bond", "C++", 7) p2.printDetails()
p3 = Programmer("Jon Snow", "Python", 4) p3.printDetails() p3.addExp(5) p3.printDetails() OUTPUT:
Horray! A new programmer is born
Name: Ethen Hunt
Language: Java
Experience: 10 years.
Horray! A new programmer is born
Name: James Bond
Language: C++
Experience: 7 years.
Horray! A new programmer is born
Name: Jon Snow
Language: Python Experience: 4 years.
Updating experience of Jon Snow
Name: Jon Snow
Language: Python
Experience: 9 years.
UberEats class so that the following output is produced:
[For simplicity, you can assume that a customer will always order exact 2 items]
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here order1 = UberEats("Shakib", "01719658xxx", "Mohakhali") print("=========================") order1.add_items("Burger", "Coca Cola", 220, 50) print("=========================") print(order1.print_order_detail()) print("=========================")
order2 = UberEats ("Siam", "01719659xxx", "Uttara") print("=========================") order2.add_items("Pineapple", "Dairy Milk", 80, 70) print("=========================") print(order2.print_order_detail()) Shakib, welcome to UberEats!
User details: Name: Shakib, Phone:
01719658xxx, Address: Mohakhali
Orders: {'Burger': 220, 'Coca Cola': 50}
Total Paid Amount: 270 ========================= Siam, welcome to UberEats!
User details: Name: Siam, Phone:
01719659xxx, Address: Uttara
Orders: {'Pineapple': 80, 'Dairy Milk': 70}
Total Paid Amount: 150
Write a class called Customer with the required constructor and methods to get the following output.
1. Create a class called Customer.
2. Create the required constructor.
4. Create a method called purchase that can take as many arguments as the user wants to give.
[You are not allowed to change the code below]
# Write your codes for subtasks 1-4 here.
customer_1 = Customer("Sam") customer_1.greet()
customer_1.purchase("chips", "chocolate", "orange juice") print("-----------------------------")
customer_2 = Customer("David") customer_2.greet("David") customer_2.purchase("orange juice") OUTPUT:
Sam, you purchased 3 item(s): chips chocolate orange juice
Hello David!
David, you purchased 1 item(s):
orange juice

Analyze the given code below to write Cat class to get the output as shown.
● Remember, the constructor is a special method. Here, you have to deal with constructor overloading which is similar to method overloading.
● Your class should have 2 variables
[You are not allowed to change the code below]
#Write your code here

c1 = Cat() c2 = Cat("Black")
c3 = Cat("Brown", "jumping") c4 = Cat("Red", "purring") c1.printCat() c2.printCat() c3.printCat() c4.printCat() c1.changeColor("Blue") c3.changeColor("Purple") c1.printCat() c3.printCat() OUTPUT
White cat is sitting
Black cat is sitting
Brown cat is jumping
Red cat is purring
Blue cat is sitting
Purple cat is jumping
Design the Student class such a way so that the following code provides the expected output.
● Write the constructor with appropriate default value for arguments.
● Write the dailyEffort() method with appropriate arguments.
# Write your code here.
harry = Student('Harry Potter', 123) harry.dailyEffort(3) harry.printDetails()
print('========================') john = Student("John Wick", 456, "BBA") john.dailyEffort(2) john.printDetails() print('========================') naruto = Student("Naruto Uzumaki", 777, "Ninja") naruto.dailyEffort(6) naruto.printDetails() OUTPUT:
Name: Harry Potter
ID: 123
Department: CSE
Daily Effort: 3 hour(s)
Suggestion: Keep up the good work!
Name: John Wick
ID: 456
Department: BBA
Daily Effort: 2 hour(s)
Suggestion: Should give more effort!
Name: Naruto Uzumaki
ID: 777
Department: Ninja
Daily Effort: 6 hour(s)
Suggestion: Excellent! Now motivate others.
● Write the printDetails() method. For printing suggestions check the following instructions.
If hour <= 2 print 'Suggestion: Should give more effort!'
If hour <= 4 print 'Suggestion: Keep up the good work!'
Else print 'Suggestion: Excellent! Now motivate others.'
[You are not allowed to change the code below]
Implement the design of the Batsman class so that the following output is produced:
Hint: Batting strike rate (s/r) = runsScored / ballsFaced x 100.
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here b1 = Batsman(6101, 7380)
print("============================") b2 = Batsman("Liton Das", 678, 773)
b1.setName("Shakib Al Hasan") b1.printCareerStatistics()
print("----------------------------") print(b1.battingStrikeRate()) Name: New Batsman
Runs Scored: 6101 , Balls Faced: 7380
Name: Liton Das
Runs Scored: 678 , Balls Faced: 773
Name: Shakib Al Hasan
Runs Scored: 6101 , Balls Faced: 7380

Implement the design of the Author class so that the following output is produced:
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here auth1 = Author('Humayun Ahmed') auth1.addBooks('Deyal', 'Megher Opor Bari') auth1.printDetails() print("===================") auth2 = Author() print(
auth2.changeName('Mario Puzo')
auth2.addBooks('The Godfather', 'Omerta', 'The Sicilian') print("===================") auth2.printDetails() print("===================")
auth3 = Author('Paolo Coelho', 'The Alchemist', 'The Fifth Mountain') auth3.printDetails() Author Name: Humayun
List of Books:
Megher Opor Bari
Author Name: Mario Puzo
List of Books:
The Godfather
The Sicilian
Author Name: Paolo Coelho
List of Books:
The Alchemist
The Fifth Mountain
Task 11
Using TaxiLagbe apps, users can share a single taxi with multiple people.
Implement the design of the TaxiLagbe class so that the following output is produced:
1. Each taxi can carry maximum 4 passengers
2. addPassenger() method takes the last name of the passenger and ticket fare for thatperson in an underscore (-) separated string.
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here
# Do not change the following lines of code.
taxi1 = TaxiLagbe('1010-01', 'Dhaka')
taxi1.addPassenger('Walker_100', 'Wood_200') taxi1.addPassenger('Matt_100') taxi1.addPassenger('Wilson_105')
print('-------------------------------') taxi1.printDetails()
print('-------------------------------') taxi1.printDetails()
taxi2 = TaxiLagbe('1010-02', 'Khulna') taxi2.addPassenger('Ronald_115') taxi2.addPassenger('Parker_215')
print('-------------------------------') taxi2.printDetails() --------------------------------------
Dear Walker! Welcome to TaxiLagbe.
Dear Wood! Welcome to TaxiLagbe.
Dear Matt! Welcome to TaxiLagbe.
Dear Wilson! Welcome to TaxiLagbe.
Trip info for Taxi number: 1010-01 This taxi can cover only Dhaka area. Total passengers: 4 Passenger lists:
Walker, Wood, Matt, Wilson
Total collected fare: 505 Taka
Taxi Full! No more passengers can be added.
Trip info for Taxi number: 1010-01 This taxi can cover only Dhaka area. Total passengers: 4 Passenger lists:
Walker, Wood, Matt, Wilson
Total collected fare: 505 Taka
Dear Ronald! Welcome to TaxiLagbe.
Dear Parker! Welcome to TaxiLagbe.
Trip info for Taxi number: 1010-02 This taxi can cover only Khulna area. Total passengers: 2 Passenger lists:
Ronald, Parker
Total collected fare: 330 Taka
Task 12
Implement the design of the Account class so that the following output is produced:
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here a1 = Account() print(a1.details())
print("------------------------") = "Oliver" a1.balance = 10000.0 print(a1.details())
a2 = Account("Liam") print(a2.details())
a3 = Account("Noah",400) print(a3.details())
a1.withdraw(6929) Default Account
Sorry, Withdraw unsuccessful! The account balance after deducting withdraw amount is equal to or less than minimum.
Sorry, Withdraw unsuccessful! The account balance after deducting withdraw amount is equal to or less than minimum.
Withdraw successful! New balance is:

Task 13
Implement the design of the StudentDatabase class so that the following output is produced:
GPA = Sum of (Grade Points * Credits)/ Credits attempted
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here
# Do not change the following lines of code.
s1 = StudentDatabase('Pietro', '10101222')
s1.calculateGPA(['CSE230: 4.0', 'CSE220: 4.0', 'MAT110: 4.0'],
s1.calculateGPA(['CSE250: 3.7', 'CSE330: 4.0'], 'Summer2021') print(f'Grades for {} {s1.grades}')
print('------------------------------------------------------') s1.printDetails()
s2 = StudentDatabase('Wanda', '10103332')
s2.calculateGPA(['CSE111: 3.7', 'CSE260: 3.7', 'ENG101: 4.0'],
print('------------------------------------------------------') print(f'Grades for {} {s2.grades}')
print('------------------------------------------------------') s2.printDetails() Grades for Pietro
{'Summer2020': {('CSE230', 'CSE220', 'MAT110'): 4.0}, 'Summer2021':
{('CSE250', 'CSE330'): 3.85}}
Name: Pietro
ID: 10101222
Courses taken in Summer2020:
GPA: 4.0
Courses taken in Summer2021:
GPA: 3.85
Grades for Wanda
{'Summer2022': {('CSE111', 'CSE260',
'ENG101'): 3.8}}
Name: Wanda
ID: 10103332
Courses taken in Summer2022:
GPA: 3.8
Task 14
1 class Test3:
2 def __init__(self):
3 self.sum, self.y = 0, 0
4 def methodA(self):
5 x, y = 2, 3
6 msg = [0]
7 msg[0] = 3
8 y = self.y + msg[0]
9 self.methodB(msg, msg[0])
10 x = self.y + msg[0]
11 self.sum = x + y + msg[0]
12 print(x, y, self.sum)
13 def methodB(self, mg2, mg1):
14 x = 0
15 self.y = self.y + mg2[0]
16 x = x + 33 + mg1
17 self.sum = self.sum + x + self.y
18 mg2[0] = self.y + mg1
19 mg1 = mg1 + x + 2
20 print(x, self.y, self.sum)
Write the output of the following code: t3 = Test3() t3.methodA() t3.methodA() t3.methodA() t3.methodA() x y sum

Task 15
1 class Test5:
2 def __init__(self):
3 self.sum, self.y = 0, 0
4 def methodA(self):
5 x = 0
6 z = 0
7 while (z < 5):
8 self.y = self.y + self.sum
9 x = self.y + 1
10 print(x, self.y, self.sum)
11 self.sum = self.sum + self.methodB(x, self.y)
12 z += 1
13 def methodB(self, m, n):
14 x = 0
15 sum = 0
16 self.y = self.y + m
17 x = n - 4
18 sum = sum + self.y
19 print(x, self.y, sum)
20 return self.sum
Write the output of the following code:
t5 = Test5() t5.methodA() x y sum

Task 16
1 class FinalT6A:
2 def __init__(self, x, p):
3 self.temp, self.sum, self.y = 4, 0, 1
4 self.temp += 1
5 self.y = self.temp - p
6 self.sum = self.temp + x
7 print(x, self.y, self.sum)
8 def methodA(self):
9 x = 0
10 y = 0
11 y = y + self.y
12 x = self.y + 2 + self.temp
13 self.sum = x + y + self.methodB(self.temp, y)
14 print(x, y, self.sum)
15 def methodB(self, temp, n):
16 x = 0
17 temp += 1
18 self.y = self.y + temp
19 x = x + 3 + n
20 self.sum = self.sum + x + self.y
21 print(x, self.y, self.sum)
22 return self.sum
What is the output of the following code sequence?
q1 = FinalT6A(2,1) q1.methodA() q1.methodA() x y sum

Task 17
1 class Test5:
2 def __init__(self):
3 self.sum = 0
4 self.y = 0
5 def methodA(self):
6 x=y=k=0
7 msg = [5]
8 while (k < 2):
9 y += msg[0]
10 x = y + self.methodB(msg, k)
11 self.sum = x + y + msg[0]
12 print(x ," " , y, " " , self.sum)
13 k+=1
14 def methodB(self, mg2, mg1):
15 x = 0
16 self.y += mg2[0]
17 x = x + 3 + mg1
18 self.sum += x + self.y
19 mg2[0] = self.y + mg1
20 mg1 += x + 2
21 print(x , " " ,self.y, " " , self.sum)
22 return mg1
What is the output of the following code sequence?
t1 = Test5() t1.methodA() t1.methodA() t1.methodA() x y sum

Task 18
1 class Test4:
2 def __init__(self):
3 self.sum, self.y = 0, 0
4 def methodA(self):
5 x, y = 0, 0
6 msg = [0]
7 msg[0] = 5
8 y = y + self.methodB(msg[0])
9 x = y + self.methodB(msg, msg[0])
10 self.sum = x + y + msg[0]
11 print(x, y, self.sum)
12 def methodB(self, *args):
13 if len(args) == 1:
14 mg1 = args[0]
15 x, y = 0, 0
16 y = y + mg1
17 x = x + 33 + mg1
18 self.sum = self.sum + x + y
19 self.y = mg1 + x + 2
20 print(x, y, self.sum)
21 return y
22 else:
23 mg2, mg1 = args
24 x = 0
25 self.y = self.y + mg2[0]
26 x = x + 33 + mg1
27 self.sum = self.sum + x + self.y
28 mg2[0] = self.y + mg1
29 mg1 = mg1 + x + 2
30 print(x, self.y, self.sum)
31 return self.sum
t3 = Test4() t3.methodA() t3.methodA() t3.methodA() t3.methodA() x y sum

Task 19
1 class msgClass:
2 def __init__(self):
3 self.content = 0
4 class Q5:
5 def __init__(self):
6 self.sum = 1
7 self.x = 2
8 self.y = 3
9 def methodA(self):
10 x, y = 1, 1
11 msg = []
12 myMsg = msgClass()
13 myMsg.content = self.x
14 msg.append(myMsg)
15 msg[0].content = self.y + myMsg.content
16 self.y = self.y + self.methodB(msg[0])
17 y = self.methodB(msg[0]) + self.y
18 x = y + self.methodB(msg[0], msg)
19 self.sum = x + y + msg[0].content
20 print(x," ", y," ", self.sum)
21 def methodB(self, mg1, mg2 = None):
22 if mg2 == None:
23 x, y = 5, 6
24 y = self.sum + mg1.content
25 self.y = y + mg1.content
26 x = self.x + 7 +mg1.content
27 self.sum = self.sum + x + y
28 self.x = mg1.content + x +8
29 print(x, " ", y," ", self.sum)
30 return y

31 else:
32 x = 1
33 self.y += mg2[0].content
34 mg2[0].content = self.y + mg1.content
35 x = x + 4 + mg1.content
36 self.sum += x + self.y
37 mg1.content = self.sum - mg2[0].content
38 print(self.x, " ",self.y," ", self.sum)
39 return self.sum
What is the output of the following code sequence?
q = Q5()
q.methodA() x y sum

Practice Task (20 - 25) Ungraded
Task 20
Design a Student class so that the following output is produced upon executing the following code
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here
# Do not change the following lines of code.
s1 = Student() print("=========================") s2 = Student("Carol") print("=========================") s3 = Student("Jon", "EEE") print("=========================") s1.update_name("Bob") s1.update_department("CSE") s2.update_department("BBA") s1.enroll("CSE110", "MAT110", "ENG091") s2.enroll("BUS101") s3.enroll("MAT110", "PHY111") print("###########################") s1.printDetail()
print("=========================") s2.printDetail()
print("=========================") s3.printDetail() Student name and department need to be set
Department for Carol needs to be set
========================= Jon is from EEE department
Name: Bob
Department: CSE
Bob enrolled in 3 course(s): CSE110, MAT110, ENG091
Name: Carol
Department: BBA
Carol enrolled in 1 course(s):
Name: Jon
Department: EEE
Jon enrolled in 2 course(s):
MAT110, PHY111

Design a Student class so that the following output is produced upon executing the following code:
[Hint: Each course has 3.0 credit hours. You must take at least 9.0 and at most 12.0 credit hours]
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here
# Do not change the following lines of code.
s1 = Student(“Alice”,“20103012”,“CSE”) s2 = Student(“Bob”, “18301254”,“EEE”) s3 = Student(“Carol”, “17101238”,“CSE”) print(“##########################”) print(s1.details())
print(“##########################”) print(s2.details())
print(“##########################”) s1.advise(“CSE110”, “MAT110”, “PHY111”) print(“##########################”) s2.advise(“BUS101”, “MAT120”) print(“##########################”) s3.advise(“MAT110”, “PHY111”, “ENG102”,
“CSE111”, “CSE230”) ##########################
Name: Alice
ID: 20103012
Department: CSE
Name: Bob
ID: 18301254
Department: EEE
Alice, you have taken 9.0 credits.
List of courses: CSE110, MAT110, PHY111
Status: Ok
Bob, you have taken 6.0 credits.
List of courses: BUS101, MAT120
Status: You have to take at least 1 more course.
Carol, you have taken 15.0 credits.
List of courses: MAT110, PHY111, ENG102,
CSE111, CSE230
Status: You have to drop at least 1 course.
Write the Hotel class with the required methods to give the following output as shown.
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here
# Do not change the following lines of code.
h = Hotel("Lakeshore")
h.addStuff( "Adam", 26)
print("=================================") print(h.getStuffById(1))
print("=================================") print(h.getGuestById(1))
h.addGuest("Diana", 32, “431”)
print("=================================") print(h.getGuestById(2))
print("=================================") h.allStaffs()
h.allGuest() Staff With ID 1 is added
Staff ID: 1
Name: Adam
Age: 26
Phone no.: 000
Guest With ID 1 is created
Guest ID: 1
Name: Carol
Age: 35
Phone no.: 123
Guest With ID 2 is created
Guest ID: 2
Name: Dianal
Age: 32
Phone no.: 431
All Staffs:
Number of Staff: 1
Staff ID: 1 Name: Adam Age: 26 Phone no: 000
All Guest:
Number of Guest: 2
Guest ID: 1 Name: Carol Age: 35 Phone no.: 123
Guest ID: 2 Name: Dianal Age: 32 Phone no.: 431
Write the Author class with the required methods to give the following outputs as shown.
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here
# Do not change the following lines of code. a1 = Author() print("=================================") a1.addBook(“Ice”, “Science Fiction”) print("=================================") a1.setName(“Anna Kavan”) a1.addBook(“Ice”, “Science Fiction”) a1.printDetail()
print("=================================") a2 = Author(“Humayun Ahmed”) a2.addBook(“Onnobhubon”, “Science Fiction”) a2.addBook(“Megher Upor Bari”, “Horror”) print("=================================") a2.printDetail() a2.addBook(“Ireena”, “Science Fiction”) print("=================================") a2.printDetail()
print("=================================") =================================
A book can not be added without author name
Number of Book(s): 1
Author Name: Anna Kavan
Science Fiction: Ice
Number of Book(s): 2
Author Name: Humayun Ahmed
Science Fiction: Onnobhubon
Horror: Megher Upor Bari
Number of Book(s): 3
Author Name: Humayun Ahmed
Science Fiction: Onnobhubon, Ireena
Horror: Megher Upor Bari
Implement the design of the Hospital, Doctor and Patient class so that the following output is produced:
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here
# Do not change the following lines of code. h = Hospital("Evercare") d1 = Doctor("1d","Doctor", "Samar Kumar", "Neurologist") h.addDoctor(d1) print("=================================") print(h.getDoctorByID("1d")) print("=================================") p1 = Patient("1p","Patient", "Kashem Ahmed", 35, 12345) h.addPatient(p1) print("=================================") print(h.getPatientByID("1p")) print("=================================")
p2 = Patient ("2p","Patient", "Tanina Haque", 26, 33456) h.addPatient(p2) print("=================================") print(h.getPatientByID("2p")) print("=================================")
h.allPatients() =================================
Doctor's ID: 1d
Name: Samar Kumar
Speciality: Neurologist
Patient's ID: 1p
Name: Kashem Ahmed
Age: 35
Phone no.: 12345
Patient's ID: 2p
Name: Tanina Haque
Age: 26
Phone no.: 33456
All Doctors:
Number of Doctors: 1
{'1d': ['Samar Kumar', 'Neurologist']} All Patients:
Number of Patients: 2
{'1p': ['Kashem Ahmed', 35, 12345], '2p': ['Tanina Haque', 26, 33456]}
Design the Vaccine and Person class so that the following expected output is generated.
[N.B: Students will get vaccines on a priority basis. So, age for students doesn’t matter]
Driver Code Output
# Write your code here
astra = Vaccine("AstraZeneca", "UK", 60) modr = Vaccine("Moderna", "UK", 30) sin = Vaccine("Sinopharm", "China", 30) p1 = Person("Bob", 21, "Student") print("=================================") p1.pushVaccine(astra) print("=================================") p1.showDetail() print("=================================") p1.pushVaccine(sin, "2nd Dose") print("=================================") p1.pushVaccine(astra, "2nd Dose") print("=================================") p1.showDetail() print("=================================") p2 = Person("Carol", 23, "Actor") print("=================================") p2.pushVaccine(sin) print("=================================") p3 = Person("David", 34) print("=================================") p3.pushVaccine(modr) print("=================================") p3.showDetail() print("=================================") p3.pushVaccine(modr, "2nd Dose") =================================
1st dose done for Bob
Name: Bob Age: 21 Type: Student
Vaccine name: AstraZeneca
1st dose: Given
2nd dose: Please come after 60 days
Sorry Bob, you can’t take 2 different vaccines
2nd dose done for Bob
Name: Bob Age: 21 Type: Student
Vaccine name: AstraZeneca
1st dose: Given
2nd dose: Given
Sorry Carol, Minimum age for taking vaccines is 25 years now.
1st dose done for David
Name: David Age: 34 Type: General Citizen
Vaccine name: Moderna
1st dose: Given
2nd dose: Please come after 30 days
2nd dose done for David

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