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CSE111 Solution

Course Title: Programming Language II
Course Code: CSE 111
Lab Assignment no: 7
** You are not allowed to change any of the code of the tasks
** Use Inheritance to solve all problems
Task - 1
Given the following classes, write the code for the BBA_Student class so that the following output is printed:
class Student:
def __init__(self, name='Just a student', dept='nothing'):
self.__name = name self.__department = dept
def set_department(self, dept):
self.__department = dept
def get_name(self): return self.__name
def set_name(self,name):
self.__name = name
def __str__(self): return 'Name: '+self.__name+' Department: '+self.__department
#write your code here
print(BBA_Student()) print(BBA_Student('Humpty Dumpty')) print(BBA_Student('Little Bo Peep')) Output:
Name: default Department: BBA
Name: Humpty Dumpty Department: BBA
Name: Little Bo Peep Department: BBA
Task – 2
class Vehicle:
def __init__(self): self.x = 0 self.y = 0
def moveUp(self): self.y += 1
def moveDown(self): self.y -= 1
def moveRight(self): self.x += 1
def moveLeft(self): self.x -= 1
def __str__(self):
return '('+str(self.x)+' , '+str(self.y)+')'
#write your code here
print('Part 1') print('------') car = Vehicle() print(car) car.moveUp() print(car) car.moveLeft() print(car) car.moveDown() print(car) car.moveRight() print(car) print('------') print('Part 2') print('------') car1 = Vehicle2010() print(car1) car1.moveLowerLeft() print(car1) car2 = Vehicle2010() car2.moveLeft() print(car1.equals(car2)) car2.moveDown() print(car1.equals(car2)) OUTPUT:
Part 1
-----(0 , 0)
(0 , 1)
(-1 , 1)
(-1 , 0)
(0 , 0)
Part 2
-----(0 , 0)
(-1 , -1)
A vehicle assumes that the whole world is a 2-dimensional graph paper. It maintains its x and y coordinates (both are integers). The vehicle gets manufactured (constructed) at (0, 0) coordinate.
1. Design a Vehicle2010 class which inherits movement methods from Vehicle and adds new methods called move UpperRight, UpperLeft, LowerRight, LowerLeft. Each of these diagonal move methods must re-use two inherited and appropriate move methods.
2. Write an “equals” method which tests if significant class properties are the same (in this case x and y).
Note: All moves are 1 step. That means a single call to any move method changes value of either x or y or both by 1.
Task - 3
Given the following classes, write the code for the Cricket_Tournament and the Tennis_Tournment class so that the following output is printed.
class Tournament: def __init__(self,name='Default'):
self.__name = name def set_name(self,name): self.__name = name def get_name(self): return self.__name #write your code here
ct1 = Cricket_Tournament() print(ct1.detail())
print("-----------------------") ct2 = Cricket_Tournament("IPL",10,"t20")
tt = Tennis_Tournament("Roland Garros",128) print(tt.detail()) OUTPUT:
Cricket Tournament Name: Default
Number of Teams: 0
Type: No type
Cricket Tournament Name: IPL
Number of Teams: 10
Type: t20
Tennis Tournament Name: Roland Garros
Number of Players: 128

Book and the CD class so that the following output is printed.
class Product: def __init__(self,id, title, price):
self.__id = id self.__title = title self.__price = price def get_id_title_price(self): return "ID: "+str(self.__id)+" Title:"+self.__title+
"Price: "+str(self.__price) #write your code here
book = Book(1,"The Alchemist",500,"97806","HarperCollins")
print(book.printDetail()) print("-----------------------")
cd = CD(2,"Shotto",300,"Warfaze",50,"Hard Rock")
print(cd.printDetail()) OUTPUT:
ID: 1 Title: The Alchemist Price: 500
ISBN: 97806 Publisher: HarperCollins
ID: 2 Title: Shotto Price: 300
Band: Warfaze Duration: 50 minutes
Genre: Hard Rock

Dog and the Cat class so that the following output is printed.
class Animal:
def __init__(self,sound): self.__sound = sound
def makeSound(self):
return self.__sound
class Printer:
def printSound(self, a):
#write your code here
d1 = Dog('bark') c1 = Cat('meow') a1 = Animal('Animal does not make sound') pr = Printer() pr.printSound(a1) pr.printSound(c1) pr.printSound(d1) OUTPUT:
Animal does not make sound meow
Triangle and the Trapezoid class so that the following output is printed.
class Shape:
def __init__(self, name='Default', height=0, base=0):
self.area = 0 = name self.height = height self.base = base
def get_height_base(self): return "Height: "+str(self.height)+",Base: "+str(self.base)
#write your code here
tri_default = triangle() tri_default.calcArea() print(tri_default.printDetail()) print('--------------------------') tri = triangle('Triangle', 10, 5) tri.calcArea() print(tri.printDetail())
print('---------------------------') trap = trapezoid('Trapezoid', 10, 6, 4) trap.calcArea() print(trap.printDetail()) OUTPUT:
Shape name: Default
Height: 0, Base: 0
Area: 0.0
Shape name: Triangle
Height: 10, Base: 5
Area: 25.0
Shape name: Trapezoid
Height: 10, Base: 6, Side_A: 4
Area: 50.0
Player and the Manager class so that the
following output is printed. To calculate the match earning use the following formula:
1. Player: (total_goal * 1000) + (total_match * 10)
2. Manager: match_win * 1000
class SportsPerson:
def __init__(self, team_name, name, role):
self.__team = team_name self.__name = name self.role = role self.earning_per_match = 0
def get_name_team(self): return 'Name: '+self.__name+', Team Name: ' +self.__team
#write your code here
player_one = Player('Juventus', 'Ronaldo', 'Striker', 25, 32)
player_one.calculate_ratio() player_one.print_details()
print('------------------------------------------') manager_one = Manager('Real Madrid', 'Zidane', 'Manager', 25)
manager_one.print_details() OUTPUT:
Name: Ronaldo, Team Name: Juventus
Team Role: Striker
Total Goal: 25, Total Played: 32
Goal Ratio: 0.78125
Match Earning: 25320K
Name: Zidane, Team Name: Real Madrid
Team Role: Manager
Total Win: 25
Match Earning: 25000K

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