1. Create a view Q1 that appends the country and region name to each customer. The schema of Q1 is:
• c custkey decimal(9,0) not null,
• c name varchar(25) not null,
• c address varchar(40) not null,
• c phone char(15) not null,
• c acctbal decimal(7,2) not null,
• c mktsegment char(10) not null,
• c comment varchar(117) not null,
• c nation char(25) not null,
• c region char(25) not null
Rewrite Q1 from Lab 4 with view Q1.
2. Create a view Q2 that appends the country and region name to each supplier. The schema of Q2 is:
• ssuppkey decimal(8,0) not null,
• sname char(25) not null,
• saddress varchar(40) not null,
• sphone char(15) not null,
• sacctbal decimal(7,2) not null,
• scomment varchar(101) not null,
• snation char(25) not null,
• sregion char(25) not null
Rewrite Q2 from Lab 4 with view Q2.
3. Rewrite Q3 from Lab 4 with view Q1.
4. Rewrite Q4 from Lab 4 with view Q2.
5. Create a view Q5 that replaces o orderdate with the year o orderyear and contains all the other attributes in orders. The schema of Q5 is:
• o orderkey decimal(12,0) not null,
• o custkey decimal(9,0) not null,
• o orderstatus char(1) not null,
• o totalprice decimal(8,2) not null,
• o orderyear integer not null,
• o orderpriority char(15) not null,
• o clerk char(15) not null,
• o shippriority decimal(1,0) not null,
• o comment varchar(79) not null Rewrite Q5 from Lab 4 with views Q1 and Q5. 6. Rewrite Q6 from Lab 4 with view Q5.
7. Rewrite Q7 from Lab 4 with views Q1 and Q5.
8. Rewrite Q8 from Lab 4 with views Q2 and Q5.
9. Rewrite Q9 from Lab 4 with views Q2 and Q5.
10. Create a view Q10 that computes the maximum discount for each type of part. The schema of Q10 is:
• p type varchar(25) not null,
• max discount decimal(3,2) not null Rewrite Q10 from Lab 4 with view Q10.
11. Rewrite Q11 from Lab 4 with view Q2.
12. Rewrite Q12 from Lab 4 with view Q2.
13. Rewrite Q13 from Lab 4 with views Q1 and Q2.
14. Rewrite Q14 from Lab 4 with views Q1 and Q2.
15. Create two views Q151 and Q152. Q151 contains the customers with negative balance and has theschema:
• c custkey decimal(9,0) not null,
• c name varchar(25) not null,
• c nationkey decimal(3,0) not null,
• c acctbal decimal(7,2) not null,
Q152 contains the suppliers with negative balance and has the schema:
• ssuppkey decimal(8,0) not null,
• sname char(25) not null,
• snationkey decimal(3,0) not null,
• sacctbal decimal(7,2) not null,
Rewrite Q15 from Lab 4 with views Q151 and Q152.