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CSE102 - Computer Programming with C  -Assignment 10 -Tower-Of-Hanoi - Solved

The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical puzzle. It consists of three poles and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any poles. The puzzle starts with the disk in a neat stack in ascending order of size in one pole, the smallest at the top thus making a conical shape. 

The puzzle has the following two rules: 

1.   You can’t place a larger disk onto a smaller disk  

2.   Only one disk can be moved at a time 


              #define STACK_BLOCK_SIZE 10 


typedef struct { data_type * array; int currentsize; int maxsize} stack; 


int push(stack * s, data_type d); /* the stack array will grow STACK_BLOCK_SIZE entries at a time */ 


data_type pop(stack * s); /* the stack array will shrink STACK_BLOCK_SIZE entries at a time */ 


stack * init_return(); /* initializes an empty stack */ 

int init(stack * s); /* returns 1 if initialization is successful */ 


Using this, implement a solution to tower-of-hanoi problem without recursion and using stack. Your solver should be able to take any size tower. 






Example for size 3: 




Example output for size 3:

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