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CSE102-Assignment 4 Solved

This is a C Programming assignment. You will write a C program according to the following description.

•     Your program will read two input files:

–    values.txt

–    polynomial.txt

•     Your program will create a file:

–    evaluations.txt

•     Your program will evaluate the same polynomial for each value read from values.txt and write the results to evaluations.txt

This file holds double numbers separated by whitespace.

12.5 5 67.89 -6 -13.37

There may be as many as 100 double numbers in this file. polynomial.txt

This file holds a polynomial in a character array form.


There will only be one polynomial expression. monomials are not ordered according to the powers of the variable x. Monomials can appear multiple times. Example: 5x+ 4.5xˆ2 - 4.3x. Here, there are two first order monomials: 5x and -4.3x. The coefficient of x at each monomial is written before the character x. Powers of x is represented by character ˆ followed by a number. Except the constant, each monomial will certainly include a character x. There may be more than one constant monomial. Example: 3x+ 3.2 - xˆ4 + 5.3 + 12.5xˆ2 - 13.04. In this example, there are 3 constant monomials: 3.2, 5.3 and -13.04. Test your code with any sort of polinomial you can create according to this description. Examples:

•     x.

•     xˆ2.

•     5.

•     5+5.

•     xˆ20+5.

The length of a polynomial expression can reach up to 1000 characters. This includes spaces. There may be spaces between +, -, and monomial characters. Example:

•     x   + 3xˆ3-   5 + xˆ7.

There may be spaces between any character. Example:

•     x + 3            x ˆ 3 -     5 + xˆ      7.

evaluations.txt This file will hold the results of polynomial evaluations for each value read from values.txt. If your polynomial string is 5x+23.5xˆ3-xˆ2, set x to the value(one of the numbers read from values.txt) and evaluate the mathematical expression: evaluation = 5*x + 23.5*x*x*x - x*x. For the given example above, evaluations.txt will be as follows:







•     In order to convert char arrays to numbers, you can use function sscanf() which is defined in <stdio.h. For example:

double d1,d2; char a[] = "12.5 63.4" sscanf(a, "%lf%lf", &d1, &d2);

/* d1 stores 12.5 and d2 stores 63.4 */

•     In order to find powers of a number, you can use pow() function defined in <math.h. Be careful with linking your program when you include math.h. Some versions of GCC will require you to explicitly link the required library.

•     You don’t have to do error checking on the input file. You can safely assume that you will be given a proper input file which doesn’t violate the described format.

•     Be careful with the size of the array you allocate in program stack. Large arrays may not fit in program stack(stack size may be smaller on the test machine) and your program crashes.

•     Make sure you can read input files with or without a tailing newline at the end. (If you are using a windows machine, newline is CRLF, on unix it is LF). You can alter this using advanced editors (i.e. Visual Studio Code). Test your code for every possible combination.

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