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CSE100 Lab 3- Max Subarray Problem via Divide-and-conquer Solved

Solving the Max Subarray Problem via Divide-and-conquer

Description In this lab assignment, your job is to implement the O(nlogn) time divideand-conquer algorithm for the Max Subarray Problem; for the pseudo-code, see page 72 in the textbook or the lecture slides. Recall that in the problem, we are given as input an array A[1···n] of n integers, and would like to find i∗ and j∗ (1 ≤ i∗ ≤ j∗ ≤ n) such that A[i∗] + A[i∗ + 1] + ··· + A[j∗] is maximized.

Input structure The input starts with an integer number n, which indicates the array size. Then, the integers, A[1],A[2],···,A[n], follow, one per line.

Output structure Output the sum of integers in the max subarray, i.e., A[i∗] + A[i∗ + 1] + ··· + A[j∗].

Examples of input and output:



-3 11

-2 -3


-5 Output


Note that in this example, the max subarray is A[2···5]. So, we output A[i∗] + ··· + A[j∗] = 11 − 2 − 3 + 10 = 16. The output is only one number and has no white space.

See the lab guidelines for submission/grading, etc., which can be found in Files/Labs.

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