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CSE031-Lab 8 More Procedures in MIPS Solved

User Inputs in MIPS
1.       Load fib.s in MARS and study the code. This is the same program we worked on during Lab 06.

2.       Recall that fib.s calculates the 13th Fibonacci number (n = 13). Now let us make this program more generic so it will calculate the nth Fibonacci number, where n can be any number from a user input.

3.       From Lab 06, we have learned how to print out statements in MIPS. Insert instructions in fib.s so that the program will print out “Please enter a number:” at the beginning of the program to prompt user for input.  

4.       In the program, $t3 was used to store the value of n. Now, let us read in a user input and save that value into $t3. Do a search in the MARS documentations to find out how to use syscall to read an INTEGER from a user. Again, you must store the value into $t3.

5.       Since the program now reads a number from a user, do we need to declare n in the .data segment of the program? How about the la and lw instructions regarding n? Comment out those instructions so they will not mess up your program.

6.       Assemble the program and test it with different numbers to see if it runs correctly (you may use the original fib.s to verify your results.).


Recursive Functions
In Lab 07, we understood how register conventions can help us manage registers in procedures. Let us find out how we can follow register conventions in recursive functions.


1.       Study recursion.c and trace the program. Without running the program, what will be the output if 5 is entered? Compile and run recursion.c in a terminal (or any IDE) and verify your answer.

2.       Load recursion.s in MARS. This is the MIPS version of recursion.c. Do not assemble and run this program – the program is incomplete. Study the main function and discuss with your partner(s) about what it does (compare it with the C version). A lot of instructions are missing, and we will fill them out in the following steps.

3.       Since the recursion.c prompts to a user for input, insert instructions in recursion.s so the program will prompt the same statement to a user.

4.       Insert statements for the program to read in a value from a user. What register should we use to store that value? (Hint: you will use it as the argument for your recursion function call.)

5.       Next, the main function calls recursion with the correct input argument. After returning from recursion, we need to print out the returned value. What register do we expect the returned value to be stored in? However, the syscall for printing out a value is also using the same register. What can we do?  

6.       Based on your answer from step 5, insert the correct instructions to print out the returned value before jumping to the end of program.

7.       Now, let us complete the recursion function. The stack pointer was moved to create extra storage for the function. How many integer values are reserved in this storage? What is the first thing to be stored in this stack frame? Insert a statement to accomplish this.

8.       Based on the branch statement under label recursion, update the returning value. Again, you must use the correct register to store the returning value.

9.       Based on the branch statement under label not_minus_one, update the returning value. Again, you must use the correct register to store the returning value.

10.   When the input argument is not 0 or -1, the program will call recursion 2 times. This happens in the code under label not_zero. Why do we need to save $a0 into the stack?

11.   Insert a statement to update the input argument for the next recursion call.

12.   After returning from the last recursion, the program is about to call the next recursion. However, the last recursion came back with a returned value. What will happen to if we call recursion right away? Insert statements to prevent this from happening.

13.   Now the program is ready to call recursion again. Insert statements to update the next input argument.

14.   After returning from the second recursion call, insert statements to update the final value to be returned to main.

15.   Before returning to main, a value needs to be retrieved so the program can return to the correct location of the code. What is this value? Insert a statement under the label end_recur to retrieve this value

Individual Assignment 1: Create recursion1.s
Study recursion1.c and translate the same program in MIPS following register convention. You can compare the output of your MIPS program with that of recursion1.c.


Save your program as recursion1.s. 

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