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CSCI804-Lab 9 String Stream and Compare 2 Vectors Solved

Task One: String Stream  
Use ostringstream and istringstream to implement the following two functions in a file stringIO.cpp by assuming that the operators << and have been overloaded for type T.  template<class T string toString (T value); // convert a value into a string 

 template <class T 

T toValue(string str); // extract the value from a string 

Defined a class Student in a file Student.h and implemented the member functions  in a file

Student.cpp. The class Student can be defined like following class Student { private: 

string firstname; string lastname; int id; // student number float gpa; 


// all necessary functions to be defined here … … 


Implement a main() function in stringIO.cpp to test the two functions in the cases where T is integer, double and class Student. 


You need to define and implement the student class properly in order to test the two template functions and assume the input string for the student class is in the following format.




For example:





Compile the program in this task by:

CC –o task1 stringIO.cpp Student.cpp 


Run the program (You may use different values)


Input an integer: 12345678 

Integer to string: 12345678 

String to integer: 12345678 

Input a double: 3214.654 

Double to string: 3214.65 

String to double: 3214.65 

Input a student record (first-name:last-name:number:gpa): David:Smith:1234567:3.65 Student to string:  David:Smith:1234567:3.65 String to Student:  



Note: The outputs above indicate different types of data.


Task two: Compare two vectors  
The program vectorCompare.cpp intends to implement and test a predicate function:

bool same_elements(vector<int a, vector<int b) 

that checks whether two vectors have the same elements with the same multiplicities. For example, “1 4 9 16 9 7 4 9 11” and “11 1 4 9 16 9 7 4 9” would be considered identical, but “1 4 9 16 9 7 4 9 11” and “11 11 7 9 16 4 1” would not.  

And a function that removes duplicates from a vector:

void remove_duplicates(vector<int& a) 

Complete the implementation of these two functions in the given vectorCompare.cpp file . You will probably need one or more helper functions for the implementation. Place the helper functions in the specified place. Complete the main function and test your implementation.

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