Learning Outcomes:
- Familiarize yourself with the Front-End framework/library of your choice (i.e., the one you have decided to use for your project).
- Understand the general flow within the framework/library.
- Work individually to create a simple interactive site.
- Working by yourself:
- Choose one of the Adventure Options for Tutorial 3. You will be using your framework of choice to complete this tutorial.
- Create 2 pages: Profile Registration and profile page.
- Registration page - Create a form to register a user. The form should have the following fields:
1. Firstname - Accepting only alpha-numeric characters.
2. Lastname - Accepting only alpha-numeric characters.
3. Email - Valid Email format (e,g, jon_snow@westeros.com)
4. Password - Accepting alpha-numeric and special characters. Minimum limit is 8 characters.
5. Confirm Password - Same as password and should match with the password field.
6. Submit/Register button.
- The form should perform proper frontend validations with the requirements mentioned above.
- Profile page - User should be redirected to this page on successful validation. Show basic profile details like Firstname, Lastname and Email (Dummy text is accepted)