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CSCI5454 Homework 5-Hashtables and Randomized Algorithms Solution

P1: A Bloom filter is a very important data structure. Suppose we see a long stream of M elements:
Note that the elements can be URLs or requests for accesses to various sectors on a disk. We wish to design a data structure that given an element f, tells us if we have seen f in the stream of elements. Solving this exactly requires us to store all the unique elements in the stream and somehow compare f against it.
If there are n unique elements in the stream and each item has b bits, we will need to store at least nb bits.
A Bloom filter provides an approximate approach to this problem. A Bloom filter is hash table T with m slots where each slot simply holds a true/false value. Thus the overall space usage is simply m bits.
We have k hash functions h1,...,hk each of which is assumed to be uniform for the stream data. I.e, the probability for any stream data item e, hash function hj and slot k of the table (k ∈{0,...,m − 1}).

Initially all slots in the table are set to false.
Insertion: Inserting an element e – set the slots T[h1(e)],T[h2(e)],...,T[hk(e)] all to true.
Query: If we wish to know whether an element f was already seen, we simply check the slots
Note that a Bloom filter can suffer from the problem of false positives. It could claim that an element f was present in the stream even if f were not. This happens because the slots
T[h1(f)],T[h2(f)],...,T[hk(f)] were all set to true but by insertion of different stream elements, potentially. However, if the Bloom filter concludes that an element f is not present in a stream, then it is not present.
(A, 2 points) Think of a setting where we have m bins and we are dropping balls into bins where each ball can land uniformly into any of the m bins, independent of where the previously dropped balls landed. Suppose we drop nk such balls into m bins. What is the probability that bin number j is unoccupied (i.e, it has zero balls land in it)?
(B, 3 points) Assume that the probability that a particular bin is occupied is independent of the probability that a different bin is occupied. Show that the probability that some set of k bins {j1,...,jk} are all occupied is ≤ (1 − e−nk/m)k.
Note: we assume mutual independence of the events that bin i and bin j are occupied for two different bins i,j in problem (B).
(C, 10 points) Suppose we throw some number q balls uniformly into m > 2 bins. What is the precise probability that bins 1 and bins 2 are both occupied at the end? Do not assume independence
for this part. (Use the equality: P(E1 ∩ E2) = P(E1) + P(E2) − P(E1 ∪ E2), where E1 and E2 denote the events that that bins 1 and 2 are occupied respectively.
(D, 5 points) Let us fix k = 10 hash functions and assume that the balls/bins model for Bloom filter is true. Assume that the false probability is bounded by (1 − e−nk/m)k. Let m = 8 × 106 bits (roughly 1 MB).
How many unique elements can we insert while keeping the false positive rate bounded by 0.01? If each element is a URL that takes on the average 40 bytes to store, how much space have we saved using a Bloom filter?
P2: We studied the randomized min cut algorithm in class. Consider the following version:
• Compress the graph from n to n/4 vertices (instead of n/2 vertices).
• Call the algorithm recursively four times on the n/4 vertices and take the best answer.
Here we compress the graph from n to n/4 nodes by contracting 3n/4 edges for each recursive call on a graph of size n.
(A, 5 point) What is the probability that we do not contract any of the min-cut edges during the initial step of compressing the graph from n to n/4 edges? Derive an exact expression in terms of n and approximate it by a constant assuming large enough n.
(B, 5 point) Suppose performed k = 4 repetitions of the algorithm over the contracted graphs of size n/4, what is the overall running time?
(C, 5 point) Show that the success probability for a single repetition of the recursive algorithm is Ω(1/n). Follow the same trick that was explained in class and the notes posted online.
Note: Using parts (A)-(C), we conclude that we would need Cnln(n) repetitions of the modified algorithm to achieve success with overall probability of at least 1−1/nc for some constant c, yielding an overall complexity of Θ(n3 ln(n)). This is clearly less optimal than the Θ(n2(ln(n))3) complexity we obtained in class.
P3: Consider the following modification of the algorithm instead:
• Compress the graph from n to n/2 vertices.
• Call the algorithm recursively k = 2 times on the n/2 vertices and take the best answer (instead of k = 4 times).
Suppose we performed k = 2 instead of 4 repetitions of the recursive algorithm.
(A, 5 points) What is the overall running time?
(B, 5 points) Solve for the probability of success by setting up a new recurrence relation and using the same trick as in class/notes.
In fact, we conclude that using 2 instead of 4 repetitions yields a very similar outcome as the previous problem.

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