Important Note: Your adjusted grades will not show up on canvas. They will be calculated when we compute your final grade at the end of the semester. Please do not keep asking us about it on piazza or email. The exact grade adjustment formula is as follows:
max(E,0.6E + 0.4M)
where E is original exam grade and M is make up exam grade. Note that if you miss this assignment, it will keep your exam grade unchanged.
P1. Let n be a number divisible by 3. Write down the FFT of the sequence:
| {z }
Write down the FFT coefficients and show your calculations justifying your answer.
P2. A partition of an array A of n integers w.r.t to a pivot p separates the array into two parts: the left partition has all elements < p and the right partition has all the elements ≥ p. Example: Consider the example below:
Inputs: Array A [1,5,2,−2,3,4,8,9,0], and pivot p = 5.
Output: Array modified in-place to [1,0,2,−2,3,4,5,9,8] and return index k = 6 to indicate the position where the right partition begins.
Note: There is no requirement on the order of the elements in each partition. All we require is that the left partition A[0],...,A[k − 1] contains all elements < p and right partition A[k],...,A[n − 1] contains all elements ≥ p.
Consider the following algorithm for partitioning. At any step, it maintains two indices into the array i,j and divides the array into three parts:
< p ≥ p unprocessed
0 i j n − 1
Loop Invariant
• All elements A[0],...,A[i] (inclusive) are guaranteed < p.
• All elements A[i + 1],...,A[j] (inclusive) are guaranteed ≥ p.
• Elements from A[j + 1],...,A[n − 1] do not have any guarantees (unprocessed).
Complete the missing portions of the code below.
def partition(A, p):
i = # todo: initial value of i
j = # todo: initial value of j
while (j < n-1): # while some unprocessed element remains...
if (A[j+1] < p): # element A[j+1] must be belong to "first" partition swap(A, i+1, j+1) # Swap A[i+1] and A[j+1]
i = i + 1 # First partition now goes up to i + 1 j = j + 1 # Second partition now goes up to j + 1
else: # element A[j+1] must belong to the "second" partition
# todo: fill out missing code to update i, j for else branch.
return # todo: what index should we return corresponding to k?
What is the running time of the algorithm above in terms of n?