Relate the topics studied in class with the practice in developing the group project.
Use your group project source code.
Problem Statement
You have three main tasks in this assignment:
• Describe the use of SOLID principles in your project.
• Describe the use of layers in your project.
• Describe the opportunities for refactoring and improvements in your project using design patterns.
1. Describe three (3) SOLID principles applied in your project. Provide:
a) A description of the functionality or part of the code where this principle is applied (method, class, or statement).
b) A description of why such SOLID principle was applied in this part of the code (method, class, or statement).
c) A description of what problems would be triggered in your project if the SOLID principle is not applied.
2. Describe how your project is organized in layers. Give:
a) A description of the presentation layer.
b) A description of the business logic layer.
c) A description of the database layer.
3. Describe five (5) design patterns that are applied in your code now or that can be applied in your code in the future. Provide:
a) A description of the functionality or part of the code where the pattern is applied/will be (method, class, or statement).
b) A description of why such pattern was/can be applied in this part of the code (method, class, or statement).
c) A description of what problems are avoided in your code by applying such pattern.