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CSCI4210 Homework 1-Files Strings Memory Solved

Homework specifications
In this first homework, you will use C to implement a rudimentary cache of words found in a given text file. For this assignment, the cache will simply be a hash table. And this hash table will handle collisions by replacing the existing word with the new word.

The goal of this assignment is to become more comfortable programming in C on Linux, in particular handling strings, working with pointers, and dynamically allocating memory. To emphasize and master the use of pointers, you are not allowed to use square brackets in your code! If a '[' or ']' character is anywhere in your code, including within comments, you will receive a zero for this assignment. (Ouch!)

The first command-line argument specifies the size of the cache, which therefore indicates the size of the dynamically allocated array that you must create. To create the array, use calloc() (not malloc()) to create an array of character pointers. Use atoi() for the conversion here.

Your program must then open and read the regular file specified as the second command-line argument. Your program must parse all words from the given file (if any), determine the cache array index for each word (in the order encountered), then store the word in the cache, replacing any existing word if a collision occurs.

To read in each word from the given file, you should use a dynamically allocated character array of size 128. In other words, you can assume that each word is no more than 127 characters long.

Initially, your cache is empty, meaning it is an array of NULL pointers, since calloc() will zero out the allocated memory. Storing each word therefore also requires dynamic memory allocation. For this, use calloc() if the cache array slot is empty; otherwise, to replace an existing word, use realloc(). Be sure to calculate the number of bytes to allocate as the length of the given word plus one, since strings in C are implemented as char arrays that end with a '\0' character.

Finally, be sure to use free() to ensure all dynamically allocated memory is properly deallocated. Consider using valgrind to verify that there are no memory leaks.

What is a word and how do you “hash” it?

For this assignment, words are defined as containing only alphanumeric characters and being at least three characters in length. Further, words are case sensitive (e.g., Lion is different than lion).

To determine the cache array index for a given word (i.e., to properly “hash” the word), write a function to add up the sum of each ASCII character in the given word as an int variable, then use the “mod” operator to determine the remainder after dividing by the cache array size.

As an example, the valid word Meme consists of four ASCII characters, which sum 77+101+109+ 101 = 388. If the cache array size was 17, then the array index for Meme would be the remainder of 388/17 or 14.

Error handling
If improper command-line arguments are given, report an error message to stderr and abort further program execution. In general, if an error is encountered, display a meaningful error message on stderr by using either perror() or fprintf(), then aborting further program execution.

Error messages must be one line only and use the following format:

ERROR: <error-text-here>

Required Output
When you execute your program, you must display a line of output for each word that you encounter. And for each word, display the cache array index and whether you called calloc() or realloc().

As an example, below is sample output, showing the format you must follow:

Word "Once" ==> 15 (calloc)

Word "when" ==> 9 (calloc)

Word "Lion" ==> 11 (calloc)

Word "was" ==> 8 (calloc)

Word "asleep" ==> 5 (calloc)

Word "little" ==> 8 (realloc)

Word "Mouse" ==> 11 (realloc)

Word "began" ==> 16 (calloc) ...

Further, when you have processed the entire file, show the contents of the cache by displaying a line of output for each non-empty entry in the cache, using the following format:

Cache index 5 ==> "asleep"

Cache index 8 ==> "little"

Cache index 9 ==> "when"

Cache index 11 ==> "Mouse"

Cache index 15 ==> "Once"

Cache index 16 ==> "began"


Consider using fopen(), fgets(), fgetc(), isalnum(), strlen(), strcpy(), strncpy(), and other such string and character functions for this assignment. Be sure to check out the details of each function by reviewing the corresponding man pages from the terminal.

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