Homework 2 — Counter<T
- Implement generalized c++ functions/classes
- Use "mini" c++ topics that we have covered: const, overloading, unit testing - Design and implement unit tests for a templated class
Turn in:
- Counter.hpp, test.cpp, Makefile. You are not required to turn in main.cpp though you are highly encouraged to write a main as you test your Counter object! You do not need to turn in catch.hpp.
Your job is to implement a templated Counter class in C++. A Counter is a specialized type of map (dictionary) that counts the occurrences of hashable objects. You can think of it as a version of a std::map<T, int with a fancy interface. For our Counter<T, counts are allowed to be any positive integer value or 0. If you do not have experience working with c++ maps, see the end of this write-up for examples to get started.
If you find writing a main.cpp helpful, you may do so but this is not required.
Your Counter<T class must provide the following interface:
Function Signatures
Note: it is your job to determine which parameters and methods should be const!
Description of behavior
Counter(std::vector<T vals);
initialize an empty Counter<T
initialize a Counter<T appropriately from a vector or array that contains type T
int Count();
int Count(T key);
int Count(T min, T max);
access the total of all counts so far
access the count associated with any object T, even for values of T that have not been counted
access the total of all counts for objects T given a certain range (an inclusive minimum T and an exclusive maximum T element)
void Remove(T key)
remove all counts of an object T from the Counter
void Increment(T key); void Increment(T key, int n);
increment the count of an object T by one increment the count of an object T by n
void Decrement(T key); void Decrement(T key, int n);
decrement the count of an object T by one decrement the count of an object T by n
T MostCommon();
std::vector<T MostCommon(int n);
get the most commonly occurring object of type T
(the object with the highest count)
If the Counter is empty, this method should throw a domain error
get the n most commonly occurring objects of type T. If the Counter is empty, this method should return a vector of size 0.
When breaking ties, your Counter should return the first element in the Counter at the given place.
if your Counter contains {"cat":2, "dog": 2, "kangaroo": 3, "salamander":1}, then
MostCommon() - returns "kangaroo"
MostCommon(2) - returns "kangaroo", "cat" (in any order)
MostCommon(3) - returns "kangaroo", "cat", "dog"
(in any order)
MostCommon(4) - returns "kangaroo", "cat",
"dog", "salamander" (in any order)
T LeastCommon();
std::vector<T LeastCommon(int n);
get the least commonly occurring object of type T
(the object with the highest count)
If the Counter is empty, this method should throw a domain error
get the n least commonly occurring objects of type T
get the n most commonly occurring objects of type T. If the Counter is empty, this method should return a vector of size 0.
*clarification (2/19/2020)*
When breaking ties, your Counter should return the first element in the Counter at the given place.
if your Counter contains {"cat":2, "dog": 2, "kangaroo": 3, "salamander":1}, then
LeastCommon() - returns "salamander"
LeastCommon(2) - returns "salamander", "cat" (in any order)
LeastCommon(3) - returns "salamander", "cat", "dog" (in any order)
MostCommon(4) - returns "salamander", "cat",
"dog", "kangaroo" (in any order)
std::map<T, double Normalized();
access normalized weights for all objects of type T seen so far
○ normalized weights means that each value of type T would be associated with the percentage of all items of type T that have been counted that are that value
○ it essentially converts each T, int pair to a T, double pair where the double is the percentage rather than the raw count
○ Say that you have a Counter<std::string which contains the data:
- {"cat": 8, "dog": 4, "hamster": 2,
"eagle": 6}
- a map of normalized weights would
be: {"cat": 0.4, "dog": 0.2, "hamster":
0.1, "eagle": 0.3}
std::set<T Keys();
access the set of all keys in the Counter
std::vector<int Values();
access the collection of all values in the Counter
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Counter<U &b);
overload the << operator for Counter<T
This should print out the contents of the Counter in the format:
{T: count, T: count, T: count, …, T:count}
Counter<T and different types:
Your Counter<T must work for types T that are new, custom types, such as programmer-defined structs and classes. Each method that you implement must be adequately tested. You do not need to test each method with a Counter<T of every type that T could be (that would be impossible!), but your different TEST_CASEs should make use of Counters that hold a variety of different types.
See examples in the examples folde r on github for how to write templated classes and functions, as well as the resources linked to in the resources document .
We are happy to clarify any methods/requirements that you'd like guidance on, so please, make sure to ask if you have any questions.
As always, your functions should be well documented. Since a main.cpp is not required, include your file comment with your name(s) and instructions for running your program in test.cpp.
Some thoughts on getting started:
Though you may have the inclination to start by writing a non-templated version of your Counter and then converting it, our experience has been that getting a templated class started in c++ can be difficult enough that this might make finding your compiler issues harder. Therefore, we recommend the following steps:
1) Define your Counter<T class with just a constructor.
2) Make sure you can create a Counter<int (or some other primitive/built in type).
3) Write unit tests for one of the Counter<T methods
4) Implement the Counter<T method
5) Run your tests
6) Go back to step 3 and repeat until complete
Rubric Outline
these will be roughly equally spread between all methods that we've asked you to implement
45 points total
Unit tests
TEST_CASEs and SECTIONs used appropriately each method appropriately tested
- Note: no unit testing required for overloading the
<< operator
20 points
Style and comments
const and overloading used appropriately (5 points)
follows style guidelines (2.5 points) commented appropriately (2.5 points)
10 points
Using Maps in C++
A map is an associative array. It links unique keys to values. You can imagine it as a vector except instead of having integer indices from 0 to the vector's size - 1, the "indices" can be of whatever type you want.
std::map<std::string, double words_to_numbers;
// adding elements one by one words_to_numbers["cat"] = 3.5; words_to_numbers["dog"] = 5.2; words_to_numbers["mouse"] = -100.0;
// updating a value words_to_numbers["mouse"] += 5;
// getting the value associated with a key std::cout << words_to_numbers.at("mouse") << std::endl;
// creating a map with values
// std::map<int, bool ints_seen{{1: true, 2: true, 5: false}};
// iterating through maps // option 1: with an iterator directly std::map<std::string, double :: iterator it; for (it = words_to_numbers.begin(); it != words_to_numbers.end(); it++) {
// access the key with it-first
// access the value with it-second
// option 2: with a "for each" loop for (std::pair<std::string, double pair : words_to_numbers) {
// access the key with pair.first
// access the value with pair.second
// testing to see if an element exists in a map if (words_to_numbers.find("cat") != words_to_numbers.end()) { // this value exists in this map!
std::cout << "found cat!" << std::endl;
// using the insert method to insert a pair
// empty map container std::map<int, int num_to_num;
// insert elements in random order num_to_num.insert(std::pair<int, int(1, 40)); num_to_num.insert(std::pair<int, int(5, 30)); num_to_num.insert(std::pair<int, int(3, 40)); num_to_num.insert(std::pair<int, int(4, 20));
// erase an element num_to_num.erase(num_to_num.find(5));