Part 1 – Motive learning Linux Commands
Task – For part 1, students are required to have Linux operating system access and highly encouraged to install Virtual Environment based Linux Operating System on their host machine. You may pick any flavor of Linux System to execute 20 commonly used Linux Commands as attached on the Linux Intro Slides. For commands list refer to Moodle’s Linux Commands slide attached. Alternatively, you may pick your choice of commands. You would be taking the screenshot of those executed commands and their respective output, and upload to the Moodle section of Homework 1.
Mark – 20 X 2 (each commands) = 40 points
Part 2 – Motive understanding the performance differences among Operating Systems Task – For part 2, students are required to write a program (encouraged C) that would copy array from source to destination in 2 ways.
A. Copy each row of source array to destination – This will be referred as row by row copy where each element of first row would be copied before moving to second row.
B. Copy each column of source array to destination - This will be referred as column by column copy where each element of first column would be copied before moving to second column.
C. Measure the time it takes to copy on each level in 3 different machines on different array size. You would be filling the information below in table.
Operating System
Time to complete copying row by row (in ms)
Time to complete copying
column by column (in ms)
Machine Architecture Specification
Linux Ubuntu
Array Size
Array Size
0.5 mil
0.5 mil
10 mil
10 mil
Windows Machine
0.5 mil
0.5 mil
10 mil
10 mil
Mac OSx or Others
0.5 mil
0.5 mil
10 mil
10 mil
Reference – Refer to slide below on sample (Lecture Overview Slide # 12).
Extra Points (20) – Students who create an AWS free tier EC2 host machine and deploy their code to measure the time will get an extra 20 points. For how to create AWS free tier account refer to the posts below.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkKvzCskpLE
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp4C6GwX5V8
3. https://aws.amazon.com/free/?all-free-tier.sortby=item.additionalFields.SortRank&all-free-tier.sort-
Note: If you are unable to create AWS EC2 host, you may use Systems Lab machine from our university such as Linux / Windows via ssh / terminal UI. Both Operating Systems (Linux/Windows) are available to students.
Linux – ssh username@systems-lab.cs.uno.edu
Windows – https://terminal.cs.uno.edu
Mark – 20 X 3 (each machine output result) = 60 points