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CSCI2275 Assignment 7- Binary Search Trees II Solution

1. Create a super data structure combining BST and LL
2. Right Rotate BST
Please read all the directions before writing code, as this write-up contains specific requirements for how the code should be written.
To receive credit for your code, you will need to pass the necessary test cases. Use the following steps to test your code as you work on the assignment:
1. Open up your Linux terminal, navigate to the build directory of this assignment (e.g. cd build).
2. Run the cmake .. command.
3. Run the make command.
4. If there are no compilation errors, two executables will be generated within the build directory: run_app_1 and run_tests.
5. If you would like to run your program, execute run_app_1 from the terminal by typing ./run_app_1 <Required argument>.
6. To run the grading tests, execute run_tests from the terminal by typing ./run_tests.
MovieTree Class Specifications
Your task is to implement a Binary Search Tree (BST) where each node is a Linked List (LL) of movie titles. You are also required to perform a right rotation of a given node while maintaining the BST property. The nodes of the tree are alphabetically ordered (i.e. with ‘d’ as a parent node ‘c’ appears in its left sub-tree and ‘e’ appears in its right sub-tree.) The characters are the first letter of the movie. As more than one movie can have the same starting character, within the node, they are stored as an alphabetically sorted Linked List. For example:

Fill in the file MovieTree.cpp according to the following specifications.
MovieTree::MovieTree() + Constructor: Initialize any member variables of the class to default void MovieTree::rdelete(TreeNode* node) + Helper function for destructor to recursively delete the complete tree.
MovieTree::~MovieTree() + Destructor: Free all memory that was allocated. This includes deallocating the memory of the underlying nodes’ Linked Lists as well.
void MovieTree::printMovieInventoryHelper(TreeNode* node) + Helper function for showMovieCollection to recursively print the tree.
void MovieTree::showMovieCollection() + Print every movie in the data structure in alphabetical order of titles. If a TreeNode contains an empty linked list, do not print anything for that node (BST or LL). Please use the following format, for TreeNode t and LLMovieNode m:
``` // for every non-empty TreeNode (t) in the tree cout << "Movies starting with letter: " << t->titleChar << endl;
// for every LLMovieNode (m) attached to t cout << " >> " << m->title << " " << m->rating << endl; ```
Sample output format:
``` Movies starting with letter: B
Bowling for Columbine 8 Movies starting with letter: D Dancin' Outlaw 8.1 Dogtown and Z-Boys 7.7 Down from the Mountain 7.4 ```
TreeNode* MovieTree:: addHelper(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* parentpointer, int _ranking, string _title, int _year, float _rating) + Helper function for insertMovie recursively add nodes to the BST.
void MovieTree::insertMovie(int ranking, string title, int year, float rating) + Add a movie to the data structure in the correct place based on its title. + Create a Linked List node with the associated data (ranking, title, year, and rating) + If no tree node exists (based on
When adding a new TreeNode, ensure its parent pointers are set.
void MovieTree:: removeMovieRecord(std::string title) + Delete the Linked List node that contains the title. + If deletion results in an empty Linked List, leave the associated tree node with a NULL pointer to indicate the list is empty. + If the movie does not exist in the datastructure, print the following message cout << "Movie not found."<< endl; void MovieTree:: removeLLnodes(TreeNode* node) + Removes LL nodes of a given node in BST.
TreeNode* MovieTree:: getSuccessor(TreeNode* node) + Returns the leftmost node in the given subtree, where node is the root of the subtree.
TreeNode* MovieTree:: removeBSTNodeHelper(TreeNode* node, TreeNode* parent, char titleFirstLetter) + Helper for removeBSTNode to recursively delete a node in BST.
void MovieTree::rightRotation(TreeNode* curr)
Rotate the node curr towards the right. Refer to the following illustration. A right rotation is performed at node y.
Set the parent pointers accordingly: Parent of x becomes the parent of y
Parent of y becomes x
Set the subtree (left and right children) pointers accordingly.
The right subtree of x becomes the left subtree of y.
y and its descendants become the right subtree of x.
If y was the left (or right ) subtree of yp, make x the left (or right) subtree of yp respectively. This can be checked by comparing the title characters of the parent and the child’s node.
Ensure boundary conditions are accounted for: y is root. y has no left child.
The following functions are available as a part of the starter code.
TreeNode* MovieTree::searchCharNode(char key) + This function returns a node in the tree with the titleChar key.
Order of function implementation
1. rdelete ,Destructor and Constructor
2. addHelper, insertMovie, printMovieInventoryHelper, showMovieCollection
3. removeMovieRecord
4. removeLLnodes, getSuccessor, removeBSTNodeHelper, removeBSTNode
5. rightRotation
Main driver file [Main driver is provided in starter code]
NOTE: Main driver file is provided in starter code. You do not have to code it. We will walk through a brief introduction of the driver here
Your main function should first read information about each movie from a file and store that information in a MovieTree object. The name of the file is passed as a command-line argument. It is in the format:
<Movie 1 ranking>,<Movie 1 title>,<Movie 1 year>,<Movie 1 rating> <Movie 2 ranking>,<Movie 2 title>,<Movie 2 year>,<Movie 2 rating> Etc...
Note: Insert the nodes to the tree in the order they are read in.
After reading in the information on each movie from the file, display a menu to the user.
cout << "======Main Menu======" << endl; cout << "1. Delete a movie" << endl; cout << "2. Show the inventory" << endl; cout << "3. Right rotate the tree" << endl; cout << "4. Quit" << endl;
The options should have the following behavior:
1. Delete a movie + Call your removeMovieRecord function on a title specified by the user. Prompt the user for a movie title using the following
code: cout << "Enter a movie title:" << endl;
2. Show the inventory + Call your tree’s showMovieCollection function
3. Right rotate the tree + Ask the user to enter the titleChar for the node to rotate right. If that is a valid node perform the rotation.
cout << ""give the titleChar of the node:"" << endl; string nodename; getline(cin, nodename); TreeNode* rNode = movies.searchCharNode(nodename[0]); if (rNode) movies.rightRotation(rNode);
4. Quit + Exit after printing a friendly message to the user: cout << "Goodbye!" << endl;

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