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CSCI160 Computer Science I  Program 11 -Solved

Write a program to ask for a series of student names and locker numbers. You can 
assume that each student will have their own locker. Ask for a student name until the 
user enters a blank value. For every valid student name ask for their locker number. Fill 
a dictionary with this data. Once the user has finished entering data ask for a file name. 
You may use input or FileUtils to ask for the file name. Write out each name/locker 
number pair in the dictionary to the data file, one pair per line. Separate the student 
name and locker number with a tab (“\t”). 
For this assignment, limit the student names to the single name, such as “Tom”, “Scott”, 
or “Sue”. The locker numbers will be integer values, with a maximum of 3 digits. 
Part 2 
Write a program that asks the user for a data file and then displays some information 
about the data. 
First, ask the user for the name of the text file. You may use input or FileUtils to ask 
for the file name. Fill a dictionary with the values from the data file. 
Next, after the dictionary has been filled, write functions that will return various 
information about the students and their lockers. Do not use a global variable to store 
the dictionary. Remember, unless the function specifically requests that you write 
information to the display, do not write anything to the display. 
Make sure your main program thoroughly tests each required function. Ensure your 
function headers are written EXACTLY as specified below.Required Functions 
def totalStudents (theDictionary) – Returns the number of students with a 
def matchingByName (theDictionary, firstLetter) – Returns a list of the student 
names where the first letter of their name starts with firstLetter. The list to be 
returned should be created in the function. 
For example, Using the sample data mentioned earlier, if the function was used like this: 
names = matchingStudents (lockingInfo, “S”) 
names would be a list containing two values, “Scott” and “Sue” 
def matchingByLocker (theDictionary, lowerLimit, upperLimit) – Returns a 
list of student names whose locker number falls within the inclusive range of 
lowerLimit to upperLimit. The list to be returned should be created in the function. 
def firstLocker (theDictionary) – Returns the “smallest” locker number. 
def lastLocker (theDictionary) – Returns the “largest” locker number. 
def findLocker (theDictionary, studentName) – Returns the locker number of 
the specified student (studentName). Returns None if studentName is not the name of a 
current student. 
def findStudent (theDictionary, lockerNum) – Returns the student name 
associated with the specified locker (lockerNum). Returns None if lockerNum is not the 
locker number of a current student. 
def students (theDictionary) – Returns a list of all student names, sorted by 
name. The list to be returned should be created in the function.. 
def printInfoSortedByStudent (title, theDictionary) – This function WILL 
write to the display a table of each student and their locker number. Print the title on its 
own line before printing the table. In the table include column headers in the output. 
Ensure the columns are neatly aligned, with the student name being left justified and the 
locker number being right justified. This function should not return a value. The info 
should be sorted by student name. 
def printInfoSortedByLocker (title, theDictionary) – This function is identical 
to the printInfoSortedByStudent, with the difference that the info should be sorted by 
locker number. 
Ask, sooner is better than later.

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