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CSCI151 Assignment 3-Solved

1.  Practice file I/O operations.  

2. Practice function operations with various parameter types  

3.  Practice string functions and operations. (esp. substring and palindrome checking) 

What is the Palindrome? What is the substring?  

Write a program that: 
Counts each number of lines from the two files (subStrings.txt and iStrings.txt), and then reads lines and saves them to each 2-D array, after declaring the arrays using the number of lines; you need to declare another output 2-D array, which will be written to oString.txt file in the final phase of this program.  Your program should then check  to see how many non-overlapping occurrences of the three-letter substring occur in that string and test whether the string is a palindrome; then the program should update the 2-D output array, which will contain the original data,  the number of substring occurrences and palindrome test results on the next like the below output format. After that, the first substring from the substring 2-D array and  the output 2-D array should be written to the output file, oStrings.txt, and then the file writing process should be repeated like the below output example.  

Input File is formatted such that each line is a string to be tested. Leading and trailing whitespace for each line must be deleted before processing. And, we assume that each line of any input or output strings does not exceed 50 characters.  

Input Files:  subStrings.txt iStrings.txt  

NOTE: Input files should end with a newline, please simply use after downloading the input files, not hard-coding. 

Output Format is:  
Original_data_without_leading_or_trailing_whitespace + “\t” + str(count) + “\t” + is_or_not_Palindrome + “\n” 

An example: “Astana” + “\t” + “1” + “\t” + “Not_Palindrome” + “\n” 

NOTE: The output string format  MUST be like this because we will use an automatic tool for grading. (It is student’s responsibility not to follow this REALLY crucial rule).  

Programming details 
You MAY NOT change function names and parameter types. (No problem for parameter names).  In addition to the required functions and parameters, it is allowed for you to add your own functions if it is needed.  

●     Write a function: void writeFile(char fileName[], char ssData[], char oStringData[][50], int nrIOfileLines); 

○   Takes in the output file’s name, and the checked substring,  output data, and the number of string line.  

○ Opens the file  

○ Writes the checked substring to the file 

○ Writes the data out to the file 

○ Closes the file  

●  Write a function: int isPalindrome(char str[]); 

○  This function check if the string passed in is a palindrome, from the sample text file below, an example parameter is isPalendrome(“owlwo”) 

○ Returns True if it is a palindrome 

○ Returns False if not  

●   Write a function: char *getPalindrome(char str[]); 

○   This function calls isPalindrome(txt) to check if the string is palindrome 

○ It returns "Is_Palindrome", when the string is a palindrome 

○ Returns "Not_Palindrome", when the string is not a palindrome 

●   Write a function: int howManySubstrings(char subStr[], char str[]);  

○  NOTE: NOT allowed to use strstr() 

○ This function check if how many non-overlapping occurrences of the three-letter substring occur in the string passed in, from the sample text file below, an example parameter is howManySubstrings(“sta”,“Astana Astana”) 

○ Returns the number of occurrences  

●     Write a function: void checkSubstringPalindrome(char subStr[], char iStringData[][50], char oStringData[][50], int nrIOfileLines); ○ For each string line,  

○       This function calls howManySubstrings() to check if there are how many substrings in each line 

○ This function calls getPalindrome()  

○ Write each output line to oStringData Array using the output format  

 (i.e.,  Original_data_without_leading_or_trailing_whitespace + “\t” + str(count) + “\t” + is_or_not_Palindrome + “\n” ) 

●     Write a function: void readFile(char filename[], char twoDimArr[][50]); 

○       Takes in the filename and the 2-D array  

○ Opens the file 

Reads and saves the file data to the 2-D array  ○ Closes File 

●     Write a function: int countFileLines(char filename[]);  

○       Takes in the filename  

○ Opens the file 

○ Counts and saves the number of lines  

○ Closes File 

○ Returns the number   

●     Write a function main() 

○       Calls the above functions 

Tips for Design and Implementation: 

Every function except checkSubstringPalindrome() can be evaluated individually, please divide and conquer step by step as usual.  

Sample Output file: 
If the subStrings.txt and iStrings.txt files are same with the linked files, the sample output file (oStrings.txt) will be like below:  

Astana             1          Not_Palindrome 
Astana Astana            2          Not_Palindrome 
Astana Astana Astana            3          Not_Palindrome 

owlwo            0 
111111          0 
222 222         0 
Almaty           0 
Kazakhstan 1 
anaana          0 
1          Is_Palindrome 
anana            0 

Astana           1 
Astana Astana 
2           Not_Palindrome 
Astana Astana Astana          3          Not_Palindrome owlwo 0         Is_Palindrome 

111111          0 
222 222         0 
Almaty           0 
Kazakhstan 0 
anaana          2 
2           Is_Palindrome 
anana            1 
How to cite both the website domain and the source codes: 
Below the main function, please add the comments and the full domain address with the source codes like the example ( without any white spaces or indentation for http(s)). If you referred many sites, please add consecutively. (You don’t have to add the sites for checking the signatures of  C standard library functions).  

int main(){ 

            // your codes  

            return 0;  

/*START_CITE (or https://xxx) 

Referred code 1 (just example)  

void myMemCpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n)  

   // Typecast src and dest addresses to (char *)     char *csrc = (char *)src;     char *cdest = (char *)dest;  

   // Copy contents of src[] to dest[]     for (int i=0; i<n; i++)         cdest[i] = csrc[i];  

Referred code 2 


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