Question 1. This is the content of an XML file q1-error.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
<student sn=3719301
<student sn=6382520
The above XML file contains several errors.
Your task is to identify these errors and correct them.
Save your correct XML code into a new file called q1-correct.xml.
Question 2. Have a look at the following XML sample code. Your task is to create an XML file called q2.xml and write XML code to include 5 staff records.
<?xml version="1.0" ?
<dailyUpdate campus="Woolloomooloo" date="24/02/2016"
<staff operation="update"
<staff operation="add"
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Question 3. Write an XML document called q3.xml that represents the following student record:
Question 4. Copy the code from q3.xml to q4.xml. In q4.xml, write the corresponding internal DTD.