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CSCI 340-3-assign07 - Solved

# Binary Tree Class

For this computer assignment, you are to write a C++ program to implement a class for binary trees. To deal with variety of data types, implement this class as a template. The definition of the class for a binary tree (as a template) is given as follows:

template <typename T> class binTree{

    binTree();                                      // default constructor
    unsigned size() const;                          // returns size of tree
    unsigned height() const;                        // returns height of tree
    virtual void insert(const T&);                  // inserts node in tree
    void inorder(void (*)(const T&));               // inorder traversal of tree

    Node<T> *root;                                  // root of tree
    unsigned size(Node<T> *) const;                 // private version of size()
    unsigned height(Node<T> *) const;               // private version of height() 
    void insert(Node<T> *&, const T&);              // private version of insert() 
    void inorder(Node<T> *, void (*)(const T&));    // private version of inorder()

Most of the *public* member functions of the `binTree` class call *private* member functions of the class (with the same name). These *private* member functions can be implemented as either `recursive` or *non-recursive*, but clearly, *recursive* versions of these functions are preferable because of their short and simple implementations in code. However, they require more memory and usually slower than their *non-recursive* versions in execution, especially for a large amount of input data.

Because of information hiding, a client is not permitted to access the binary tree directly, so the *root* of the tree is kept protected (not *private* because of future implementations of derived classes from the base class of the `binTree`), so it cannot be passed as an argument to any of the *public* functions of the tree. It is essential to have *private* utility functions, which act as interface between a client and the tree. The `insert()` function of the `binTree` class is described as follows:

- `insert(const T &x)` This *virtual* function can be used to insert a node with the data value `x` in a binary tree, applying the following technique: if the tree is empty, then the new node will be the root of the tree with the value `x`; otherwise, the left or the right subtree is randomly selected and the value `x` is inserted in that side. To implement the random selection, you can use the following `RNG`.

typedef enum {left_side, right_side } SIDE;

SIDE rnd(){ 
    return rand()%2 ? right_side : left_side;
}// End of rnd()

Put the implementation of your `binTree` class in the header file **binTree.h**. Definition of the class `Node`, which represents the nodes in a binary tree, can be found in the header file **node.h**. To use the class `Node` in your program, include the header file **node.h**, inserting `#include "node.h"` at the top of your header file.

The source file **** contains the driver program. In addition to the `main()` routine, it has the implementations of the following routines (as templates) and the definitions of the two RNGs used in the `main()` routine.

- `template<class T> void print(const T &x):`
- `template<class T> void print_vals(binTree<T> &tree, const string &name);`

The unary function `print()` can be used as an argument to the member functions `inorder()` to print the value of its argument `x`. The function `print_vals()` does the followings:

- it prints name, which is the name of the tree, and it also prints the height of the tree. 
- it calls the member function `inorder()` to print the data values in the tree in *inorder*. 

The class `RND1` can be used to generate random integers in the range [LOW1 = –999, HIGH1 = 999] and the class `RND2` can be used to generate random floating-point numbers in the range [LOW2 = –999.99, HIGH2 = 999.99]. The function objects `RND1()` and `RND2()`, generated from these classes, are used to fill in the random values in *vector* containers `vector<int> A(N1)` and `vector<float> B(N2)` by using the `generate()` function in the STL, where `N1 = 100` and `N2 = 50` are the sizes of these two vectors. 

The `main()` routine copies the random values from vectors `A` and `B` and inserts them in the binary trees `first` and `second`, respectively. At the end, the data values in the binary trees `first` and `second` are printed out on stdout with `LSIZE = 12` numbers in a single line.

The source file of the driver program ****, is provided. Write a `Makefile` to compile the driver program and header files. The correct output of this program can be found in file **binaryTreeResults.out**. 

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