CSCE693-Homework 1 Basic C/C++ Compilation, Compiling Lua and Simple Lua Program Solved
Perform the following tasks using Linux and the GCC compiler.
1. Create the project presented in the Makefile video shown in class (C++ source code, Makefile, etc.) and submit - do not submit final executable program, just source code and Makefile.
2. ) Download and compile the Lua source code for version 5.3.5 (on website) using your own handwritten Makefile to produce 3 artifacts using the following target names: 1) “lua” - the Lua REPL interpreter (filename: lua), 2) “luac” - the Lua compiler (filename:
luac), and finally, 3) “liblua” - a static lua linking library (filename: liblua.a). One additional target called “all” should compile and link all the artifacts as needed above.
a. make lua - should build the lua REPL interactive console driving application
b. make luac - should create the lua compiler application.
c. make liblua - should create the static linking library
d. make all - should produce all of the above
3. Write a Lua program (filename: team.lua) that prints your team number to the terminal 10 times.