Topics Covered:
● Master the use of functions in C++.
● Utilize call-by-value and call-by-reference implementation of functions.
● Demonstrate mastery of pointer arrays.
● Become familiar with dynamic memory allocation using pointers.
● Basic use of header file.
Develop a program that mimics some of the functionalities of an ArrayList in Java. Your program should maintain a pointer array of doubles and be able to perform the following functions:
1. void insert(int index, double num, double *&arr, int &size)
a. Adds an element (num) to the array (arr) at a given position (index) and updates the size.
b. You may allow the user to add to the immediate end of the array (at position n for an array of n elements) but not past. You should print an error message if they try to print beyond these bounds.
2. void remove(int index, double *&arr, int &size)
a. Removes an element from the array (arr) at a given position (index) and updates the size.
b. If index is out of the bounds of the arr then an error message should be printed.
3. int get(int index, double *arr, int size)
a. Returns the element at the given position (index).
b. Should check if the index given is outside the bounds of the array. If it is out of bounds an error message should be printed.
4. void clear(double *&arr, int &size)
a. Clears all elements of the array (arr) and updates the size (size) to be 0.
5. int find(double num, double *arr, int size)
a. Returns the first index in which a given element (num) is found in the array (arr).
If not found -1 is returned.
6. bool equals(double *arr1, int size1, double *arr2, int size2)
a. Returns true if the contents of the two arrays are equal and false if they are not equal.
7. void init(double *arr, int size)
a. Populates the elements of the array (arr) with input from the user (or via file redirection).
8. void print(double *arr, int size)
a. Prints the elements of the array.
Additional Specifications:
● I have provided two files: sampleMain.cpp and myArray.h
○ I will be using sampleMain.cpp to test your program so you should test using that.
○ In myArray.h you should write ALL YOUR CODE. This is the file that you will be required to submit. DO NOT RENAME THIS FILE!
● You should check your code with Valgrind for memory leaks. You will get points off for both memory leaks as well as errors reported in Valgrind.
● Your program should consist of a header that contains the following information:
○ First name and last name of the programmer.
○ Date and time of the program completion.
○ A brief description of the program function.
○ Input requirements and format.
○ The output of the program.
○ Any additional needed comments (e.g. related to compilation, execution or other requirements).
● Each function needs to be properly commented.
○ Your comments need to include a description of the function.
○ Description of the inputs.
○ Description of the output.
○ Any additional notes assisting future programmers to comprehend the complex portions of your functions.
● Make sure your program compiles and runs on one of the Linux machines in the Linux lab before you submit.