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CSCE 790-002-Homework 1 Solved

We will be using the conda package management system.

To get started, download Anaconda from

After downloading the code for the homework, cd to the directory of the code.

A list of all the packages needed for the virtual environment is in spec-file.txt. Duplicate the virtual environment with: conda create --name <your_environment_name --file spec-file.txt

Then, activate your environment conda activate <your_environment_name

When you are finished using the environment you can deactivate it with: conda deactivate

You can always activate it again with conda activate <your_environment_name

Running the Code
You can run the code with the command python --map maps/map1.txt. You should see a visualization of the AI Farm environment. The code will output the ∆ from Algorithm 2 at every step and output DONE when value iteration has converged.

There are switches that you can use

•    --discount, to change the discount (default=1.0)

•    --no_text, to omit text shown on the figure

•    --no_val, to omit the state-value shown on the figure

•    --no_policy, to omit the policy shown on the figure

•    --rand_right, to change the probability that the wind blows you to the right (default=0.0)

•    --wait, the number of seconds to wait after every iteration so that you can visualize your algorithm (default=0.0)

i.e. python --map maps/map1.txt --no_text --rand_right 0.1 --wait 0.5

Helper Functions
In your implementations, you are given an Environment object env. You will need the env.get_actions() function that returns a list of all possible actions. You will also need env.state_action_dynamics(state, action), which returns, in this order, the expected return r(s,a), all possible next states given the current state and action, their probabilities.

Keep in mind, while the notation for value iteration update, V (s) ← maxa(r(s,a) + γ Ps0 p(s0|s,a)V (s0)), sums over all possible states, env.state_action_dynamics(state, action) omits all states that have a state-transition probability of zero. This significantly reduces the number of elements in the summation.

Part 1: Value Iteration and the Optimal Policy
Part 1.1: Value Iteration
Value iteration can be used to find, or approximate, the optimal value function. In this exercise, we will be finding the optimal value function, exactly.

Implement value_iteration_step in assignments_code/

Upon running python --map maps/map1.txt, Algorithm 1 will automatically begin running with the value θ set to 0. It will automatically call your code, Algorithm 2.

Vary the environment dynamics by making the environment stochastic --rand_right to 0.1 and 0.5.

To see a step-by-step example of what a correct implementation of value iteration should look like, as well as the resulting state-value function and policy for the stochastic case, please see the slides on Markov Decision Processes.

Algorithm 1 Value Iteration

1: procedure Value Iteration(S,V,θ,γ)

2:             ∆ ← inf

3:              while ∆ θ do

4:                     ∆,V = Value Iteration Step(S,V )

5:             end while

6:             return V                                                                                              . Approximation of v∗

7: end procedure

Part 1.2: Obtaining the Optimal Policy
After finding the optimal value function v∗, we can then use it to find the optimal policy using 1. Implement get_action in assignments_code/ so that it implements 1.

                                                                     π∗(s) = argmax(r(s,a) + γ Xp(s0|s,a)v∗(s0))           (1)



Algorithm 2 Value Iteration Step

1: procedure Value Iteration Step(S,V,aγ)

2:             ∆ ← 0

3:              for s ∈ S do

4:                    v ← V (s)

5:                        V (s) ← maxa(r(s,a) + γ Ps0 p(s0|s,a)V (s0))

6:                      ∆ ← max(∆,|v − V (s)|)

7:             end for

8:              return ∆,V

9: end procedure

Part 1: What to Turn In

Turn in your implementation of assignments_code/

Part 2: Comparison to Sutton and Barto’s Notation
You will notice that the state-value assignment step in Algorithm 2 is written differently than in the value iteration algorithm on page 83 of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (

V (s) ← max(r(s,a) + γ Xp(s0|s,a)V (s0))


V (s) ← maxXp(s0,r|s,a)(r + γV (s0))


Show that these two are equivalent by rearranging 3 so that it looks like 2. Use the definitions provided in the lecture slides on Markov Decision Processes (also shown in Equations 3.4 and 3.5 in Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction). Show your work.

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