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CSC7081- Air traffic control system Solved

You have been given some code that is currently being developed as part of an Air Traffic Control application. Not all the requirements have been implemented. It is your task to implement these, test your solution classes and raise the coding standards of all the code. 

Create a project solution (named p2<your student id> e.g. p26048201). Create a package named p2. Add to the solution.  Ensure your name and student number are placed in the Javadoc comments of all the classes you create.  

Part 1 –
Using your knowledge of OOP you should update the code based on the following: 

The system is expected to support many derivative (sub classes) of Aircraft such as Airline, Helicopter, Glider, Drone There will be no need to ever instantiate an Aircraft class in the system, it this therefore Abstract. You are responsible for developing the Airline class. This is the only subclass you need to develop. It should have all the properties and methods of the Aircraft class but also include a new attribute, Engine Type which should be limited to the values jet or propeller.

Business rules for class attributes – Current Speed - minimum value is 0 and maximum is 800 (inclusive). This is in mph.
Distance to Airfield – minimum value is 1 and maximum is 20000 (inclusive). This is in miles.
Aircraft Code – exactly 6 characters (any characters including letters, numbers or symbols but first character should be an uppercase No trailing whitespace characters.) - Engine Type - which should be limited to the values jet or propeller.
Return an appropriate exception with an appropriate exception message i.e. “INVALID CODE”, “INVALID SPEED” etc. if an attempt is made to set outside the range or allowable values.

Some but not all of the Aircraft class derivatives (sub classes) are expected to support a method that will calculate the estimated time (in minutes) any aircraft subclass will take to reach the airfield. This will require each class that needs this functionality to have a method named The Airline class requires this method and should return the time (in minutes) value based on the following formula.
 time = distance to airfield / current speed * 60 


 Part 2 -  Airtraffic Control class -

Create an Airtraffic Control class to support the system for searching and other utility methods. Each method should be static and accept and return an ArrayList of appropriate type. Using your knowledge of OOP you should update the code based on the following: 

Create a searchBySpeed method i.e. search for all objects in the parameter argument ArrayList that are moving (current speed) within a specified rangeg. between 100 and 300 (range inclusive of both values). You should return an ArrayList containing any that satisfy the search criteria.
Create a searchForAllByEngineType method i.e. search for all objects in the parameter argument ArrayList that match a specified engine type. You should return an ArrayList containing any that satisfy the search criteria.
Create a searchForLandingList method i.e. search for all objects in the parameter argument ArrayListthat are within a given time (inclusive) of the airfield and have a specified engine type. You should return an ArrayList containing any that satisfy the search criteria.
Part 3 – Testing –
1.Unit Test the application.

When complete compress (zip) the entire Eclipse solution and upload to Assignments (P2 assessment) on CANVAS. Remember to record and then upload a short commentary walk-through of your code with your solution. Keep the separate screen recording safe (no need to upload at this point).  

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