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CSC623 Database Systems Project -Solved

A relational database should be developed following the subsequent steps for the case study 
described in this PDF: 
1. Develop a conceptual data model reflecting the following requirements: (11/01/22) 
a. Identify the main entity types. 
b. Identify the main relationship types between the entity types identified in "a". 
c. Determine the multiplicity constraints for each relationship identified in "b". 
d. Identify attributes and associate them with entity or relationship types. 
e. Determine candidate and primary key attributes for each (strong) entity type. 
f. Generate the E-R diagram for the conceptual level (no FKs as attributes). 
2. Develop a logical data model based on the following requirements: (11/17/22) 
a. Derive relations from the conceptual model. 
b. Validate the logical model using normalization to 3NF. 
c. Validate the logical model against user transactions. 
d. Define integrity constraints: 
i. Primary key constraints. 
ii. Referential integrity/Foreign key constraints. 
iii. Alternate key constraints (if any). 
iv. Required data. 
v. Attribute domain constraints. 
vi. General constraints (if any). 
e. Generate the E-R diagram for the logical level (contains FKs as attributes). 
3. Translate the logical data model for the Oracle Enterprise DBMS. (12/08/22) 
a. Develop SQL code to create the entire database schema, reflecting the constraints 
identified in previous steps. 
b. Create at least 5 tuples for each relation in your database. 
c. Develop 5 SQL queries using embedded SQL (see Python tutorial). 
d. Upload all the code and documentation to GitHub. 
Reports: A report will be created for each deadline including detailed documentation of 
each of the steps addressing all the required items. ER diagrams for the conceptual and logical models must be included in the corresponding reports. All assumptions made in the 
design must be clearly stated. Screenshots of the contents of the database created for each 
part of step 3 must be included in the report. 
GitHub: The code generated during step 3 (SQL statements + program) must be uploaded 
to a GitHub repository. The link to the repository must be provided in the last report. The 
GitHub repository must also include all the documentation (i.e., reports) generated in the 
three steps. 
Case Study: Pawsome Pets 
A company called Pawsome Pets runs multiple clinics. The company would like for their data 
to be stored in a database. The following description was obtained during the analysis phase: 
“Each of the Pawsome Pets clinics has several staff members and a member of staff manages 
at most one clinic (not all staff manage clinics). Each clinic has a unique clinic number 
(clinicNo) and each member of staff has a unique staff number (staffNo). Additionally, the 
company would like to store each clinic’s name, address and telephone number, as well as the 
staff’s name, address, telephone number, DOB, position and salary. 
When a pet owner contacts a clinic, the owner’s pet is registered with the clinic. An owner can 
own one or more pets, but a pet can only be registered at one clinic. Each owner has a unique 
owner number (ownerNo), a name, an address and a telephone number. Each pet has a unique 
pet number (petNo), name, DOB, animal species, breed and color. 
When the pet comes to the clinic, it undergoes an examination by a member of the consulting 
staff. The database should store the following information for each examination: chief 
complaint (i.e., the main cause for the visit), description (i.e., what was done during the 
examination), date seen and actions taken (e.g., a treatment was prescribed, tests were 
ordered). A unique examination number (examNo) is assigned to each examination.”

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