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CSC59929- Assignment 4 Solved

•         Compete the two programming exercises described in the following charts.

•         Start looking for an interesting dataset for your project.

Programming Exercise A
•    Apply the Scikit Learn SVM Classifier to the Iris dataset using all three categories and all four feature at once and upload your .ipynb file.

•    Run the SVM model (at least) four times using a different kernel each time.  Compare and discuss the results for each of the kernels.

•    Name your file lastname_firstname_AS04A.ipynb.

Programming Exercise B
•    Apply the Scikit Learn Decision Tree Classifier to the Iris dataset using all three categories and all four feature at once and upload your .ipynb file.

•    See if your choice of impurity measure makes a difference in your results.

•    Name your file lastname_firstname_AS04B.ipynb.

Programming Exercises (both A and B)
•     Discuss your findings. 

•     Include all of your discussion in your .ipynb file and submit the file through Blackboard.

•     Do not clear your results after you last run so that I will be able to see your results without rerunning your code.

•     If you collaborate with anyone on this assignment, be sure to follow the collaboration guidelines in the syllabus.

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