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CSC410 Assignment 2 Solution

Assignment 2

Assignment Format and Guidelines on Submission
This assignment is worth 10% of the total course mark. Submit on Markus and follow these rules:
• Each group should submit three files named search.dfy, spy.dfy, stackinga.dfy, stackingb.dfy, mtsa.dfy, and mtsb.dfy. Note that Markus has been setup to accept exactly those 3 files. All the required lemmas, helper functions, etc. should be included in each file for each problem.
Note that your assignment will be automatically graded. Your function will be called from another function. If you mess with the signature, the call will fail and the autograder will give you a 0 mark.
Word of Advice
Before you sit behind a Dafny terminal, make sure you have a detailed proof worked out on paper. If you don’t have such a proof, you cannot hack your way through a Dafny proof. If you have such a proof, and are certain about its correctness, but cannot get it through to Dafny, then it most likely means that you are making a leap in reasoning somewhere that seems trivial to you, but not to the prover. We can assure you that this has nothing to do with a feature or a command that you do not know and have to dig up from a manual/tutorial. Everything you need to know to solve these has already been covered in class.
Problem 1 (30 points)
An implementation of a special case of a search routine with the precondition and postcondition encoded is given in the file search.dfy accompanying this assignment. Give a proof of correctness in Dafny for this search routine. Do not change the preconditions or postconditions. Only add annotations to the body of the method.
Problem 2 (40 points)
The accompanying Dafny code mts.dfy gives an implementation of the maximum tail sum problem. That is, given an array a of integers (both positive and negative values), it returns the sum of the maximum array interval beginning anywhere and ending at the end of the array. If all such sums are empty, it return 0 to reflect that an empty array interval (with a sum of 0) is optimal. This program is something that is known as a programming pearl. It is easy to implement this function in quadratic time, by enumerating all such intervals and computing their sums. But, this code is doing it in a single pass linear time. Your task is to prove that it does it correctly.
For grading purposes, we divide the full functional specification into two parts:
(a) (20 points) Prove that the first postcondition labeled as (a) in the file.
(b) (20 points) Prove the postcondition labeled as (b) in the file.
Problem 3 (40 points)
Consider the following game single player game. Initially, you are given a single stack of n boxes. In each turn of the game, you must perform exactly one of two moves:
1. Pick a stack of a+b boxes and split it into two non-empty stacks of a and b boxes (i.e. a,b > 0). This move scores a × b points.
2. Pick a stack containing only one box and remove it. This actions scores no points.
The game is finished when no more moves are possible. No matter what moves you make, you will eventually run out of turns, and somewhat surprisingly, you will always finish the game scoring exactly points. Try out a few runs of the game for some specific games to observe this.
Your task is to prove this outcome for the game. A Dafny encoding of the game is given in the accompanying file stacking.dfy. The program is simulating the game. Add the annotations necessary to prove to Dafny that the program (hence the game) terminates and that the postcondition holds. For grading purposes, we divide this assignment into the following two tasks:
Note: Dafny currently complains about line 14 of the code. This is intentional. You need to add a loop invariant that makes this complaint go away, and then be on your way about proving the problem correct.
(a) (20 points) Prove that the postcondition as specified in stacking.dfy and outlined above holds.
Problem 4 (30 points)
This problem is based on a known puzzle, “catch a spy”.
A spy is located somewhere on a one-dimensional line, and he moves. He starts at location a. Every second, he moves b units to the right. Therefore, the location of the spy at time t is given by the expression a + t ∗ b. But, the catch is that a,b ∈N are constants that are unknown to us. We can only know check if the spy is at a particular location by querying that location, and we can only query one location at every second.
We can catch the spy as follows. The set N×N of pairs of natural numbers is countable . Therefore, there exists a function unpair : N→N×N that covers all pairs of natural numbers.
Our strategy is to check the location x + t × y at time t, where (x,y) = unpair(t). There exists some t0 such that (a,b) = unpair(t0). This means that at time t0 we will check the location a+t0 ∗b, where the spy shall be at time t0 as well! Therefore, we are guaranteed to catch the spy.
Now, you take the high level argument above and the sketch of an implementation that is given to you in file spy.dfy and turn it into a complete formal argument in Dafny. Complete the implementation of method unpair according to our strategy above, and prove that the while loop terminates (i.e. that we eventually catch the spy).
Hint: You should think about defining unpair recursively, instead of as a closed form function.

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