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CSC410 Assignment 4 Solution

Assignment 4

Assignment Format and Guidelines on Submission
This assignment is worth 10% of the total course mark. Submit on Markus and follow these rules:
• Each group should submit three files named, and Note that Markus has been setup to accept exactly those 3 files. All the necessary helper functions should be included in each file for each problem. You should not change any of the names or signatures of the functions already provided in the files, and you are not allowed to import any other package than the ones already imported.
• In this assignment, you should not solve the problems algorithmically. This means that your Python code should not do any type of search of the solution. It should only construct the encoding and call the solver to obtain a satisfying assignment.
Note that your assignment will be automatically graded. Your functions will be called from another script. If you mess with the signature, the call will fail and the autograder will give you a 0 mark.
Instructions about Z3 and Python
• You have to use the Python API of Z3 to produce the encoding and call the solver. All the necessary functionality has been presented in Tutorials 2 and 3.
• You are not allowed to import any other package than the ones already imported in your python files.
Word of Advice
The goal of this assignment is to design encodings for some puzzles. The interface to the solver is minimal and you will need to use only a few functions, so using the solver is not the difficult part of this assignment. The majority of your effort goes into devising a correct encoding of the problem.
Problem 1(a) (40 points)
You will solve the stable marriage problem using an SMT solver. The problem has been traditionally stated as follows .
Given n men and n women, where each person has ranked all members of the opposite sex in order of preference, marry the men and women together such that there are no two people of opposite sex who would both rather have each other than their current partners. When there are no such pairs of people, the set of marriages is deemed stable.
We can formulate the general problem as follows. We have two sets A and B of same size, and to each element in each set we associate an ordering of the elements of the other set (the preferences). A matching between sets A and B is a set of disjoint pairs (x,y) (x ∈ A,y ∈ B). Since A and B are of the same size, a matching associates an element of B to every element of A and vice-versa. A stable marriage is a matching between A and B such that there does not exist any two elements x ∈ A and y ∈ B such that x is not matched with y but x prefers y over their current matching and y prefers x over their current matching.
Input format The input is a text file where each line represents the list of preferences. The file has 2n lines, where n is the size of set A and of set B. The elements of A are indexed from 1 to n, and the elements of set B from n + 1 to 2n. Line i is a list of n integers separated by spaces representing the preferences of i in decreasing order.
For example, the following input defines a problem where A = {1,2,3} and B = {4,5,6} where 4 is the most preferred element of both 1 and 2.
4 5 6
4 6 5
5 6 4
1 2 3
2 3 1
3 2 1
The functions parsing the input are already part of the starter code in and
Encode the problem into a SMT problem with the theory of your choice. You are not allowed to use the optimization solver. You must complete the function solve(A,B) in such that the function returns a stable matching, as a list of pairs of integers. A and B are the two sets where each integer element is accompanied with its list of preferences in decreasing order. To test your encoding, a few input examples have been provided in test_inputs/.
Remark that the code forces you to separate your constraints into two sets. First, a set of constraints constraints_matching that ensure your output is a matching, but not necessarily stable. Second, a set of constraints constraints_stability that ensure the matching is stable. You should not modify the piece of code that calls the solver in solve(A,B) nor the name of the lists of constraints. We will verify that you correctly separated the two sets of constraints.
Problem 1(b) (20 points)
Complete the function solve(A,B) in such that the function returns a stable matching as a list of pairs of integers. You have to use the optimization solver and add the optimization objectives ensuring the matching is stable.
Note that the starter code now forces you to separate the problem into a set of constraints constraints_matching that ensure your output is a matching, and a set of minimization objectives minimization_objectives that ensure the matching is stable. You are not allowed to change the names of these lists and the code that calls the solver. If you want to maximize Q, you can always add −Q to the list of minimization objectives.
Problem 2 (40 points)
Input format The partially completed grid is provided to you with - standing for each blank cell to be filled with a number, and * for blocked cells (that are not to be filled with a number). Each symbol two symbols is separated by a single space. Each line of the puzzle is written in a separate line of the input file. For example, the input file:
* * 7 6 - * *
* * 5 - - * *
31 - - 4 - - 18
- 33 2 12 15 19 -
29 28 1 14 - - -
* * - 24 22 * *
* * 25 - - * *
Has the following solution, represented in the same format:
* * 7 6 9 * *
* * 5 8 10 * *
31 32 3 4 11 16 18
30 33 2 12 15 19 17
29 28 1 14 13 21 20
* * 27 24 22 * *
* * 25 26 23 * *
The function parsing the input grid is provided in
Use the theory of your choice to formulate a Hidato puzzle solver using Z3’s Python interface. You will complete the function solve(grid) in such that the function answers:
Given a partially completed grid, is it possible to complete the grid obeying the rules of Hidato?
If the answer is no, then simply return None. If the answer is yes, then you need to return the completed grid.

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