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CSC382- Lab 5 Solved

Write a C++ program that inputs a graph and execute the following function:

a) Use Depth First Search to find the number of connected components and at least a cycle (the graph must contain at least a cycle) of the graphs shown below. Display the edges of the cycles, for example in graph one below, the following edges should be displayed “Cycle: (0,1), (1,2), (2,3), 

In order to accomplish this task, you must declare a class Graph as defined in class and implement a function Creates ( ) that creates the link-list of the graph (see lectures notes).  Also the nodes must be labeled from 0 to n-1 (n is the number of nodes).  In the class function Creates, a pair of nodes is input (example: 0, 1 - representing the edge (0,1)).

It is recommended to implement the function Creates first.


Must try the following graphs as inputs (other graphs won’t be accepted)

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